Liam Neeson ‘Still Coming To Terms’ With Violent Childhood Memory

Liam Neeson divulged to AARP The Magazine in their new cover story about the awful memory he had growing up that has stuck with him as “kind of a post-traumatic stress disorder.”

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While discussing with AARP about his latest movie titled Memory, where he takes on the role of an aging hitman struggling with dementia, the star of Taken discloses his childhood memory, explaining that it was somehow traumatic for him.

The actor said “When I was growing up, in these little terrace houses, I remember hearing our neighbor next door being beat up by her drunken husband every weekend,” he recalled. “He’s dead now, but that’s a memory I am still coming to terms with. I’m talking 50 years ago. It’s kind of a post-traumatic stress disorder.”

“I don’t know if it has scarred me, but it has definitely formed something of my character, maybe you’re right — maybe even when I play these violent roles, I’m trying to bring some quality of redemption or justice.”

Liam Neeson – Actually Witnessed Violence While Growing Up

Liam described how he witnessed violence in Belfat where he grew up, the violence took place during the Troubles in Northern Ireland, he narrated how 13 lives were lost and, he couldn’t understand why he survived.

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He said “This past January was the 50th anniversary of what is known as Bloody Sunday, when British paratroopers murdered 13 of our people in the streets of Derry, in the north of Ireland,” he explained. “And I remember the next day, when everything was incredibly quiet and very, very sinister. I lived in Belfast during a lot of that. And I think back on it now. Why did I survive that?”

Liam Neeson – Made A Research On Alzheimer’s For His Role In Memory

Liam told AARP that he did a bit of research on Alzheimer’s to help him in preparation of his role in his new movie Memory.

He added that his elder sister has a close pal who is suffering from dementia “My elder sister, she has a very close pal who is suffering from dementia, and he cannot remember stuff from 5, 10, 15 minutes ago. So, in Memory, I work in little bits of stammering or clumsiness that grab people in the audience who know someone who’s suffering from it, from dementia or Alzheimer’s,” he explained. “But I wanted to keep it very, very subtle, because it could become jokey if I overdid the dementia.”

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He said the film was meant to be a piece of entertainment, and hopes there’s a few thrills and spills “But there is a deeper story to be told.”

Liam Neeson -The Film Memory Would Appear In Theaters On April 29.

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