Linda Evangelista Details Double Breast Cancer Diagnosis And Motivation To Recover From It

Linda Evangelista was diagnosed with cancer twice within a space of five years. Despite having double mastectomy to make sure everything related to breast cancer was gone from her life, she was visited by it once again. One thing she promised herself was that she wasn’t going to allow it to kill her.

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Linda Evangelista Discusses Breast Cancer Journey And the Health Decisions She Made To Live A Healthy Life

The 58-year-old supermodel is the face of WSJ. Magazine’s Fall Men’s Style issue, and during their cover interview, she touched on battling breast cancer in recent years.

“It was detected in my annual mammogram,” she told the outlet of being originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018. “The margins were not good, and due to other health factors, without hesitation, because I wanted to put everything behind me and not to have to deal with this, I opted for a bilateral mastectomy. Thinking I was good and set for life. Breast cancer was not going to kill me.”

After thinking that this painful and sad ordeal was behind her, it resurfaced sometime in 2022 when she started feeling a lump in her breast. She later learned that the lump she felt was a symptom of the cancer returning.

“Dig a hole in my chest,” she told her oncologist after her second diagnosis. “I don’t want it to look pretty. I want you to excavate. I want to see a hole in my chest when you’re done. Do you understand me? I’m not dying from this.”

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“I just went into this mode that I know how to do — just do what you’ve got to do and get through it,” she noted of the “beat cancer” mindset that made her open to any mesical practice that would mean the cancer was gone forever. “And that’s what I did.”

Linda EvangelistaTaking Things One Day At A Time Post-Cancer.

While she’s taking things one day at a time, she did express her disappointment that her post-cancer care oncologist labeled her prognosis “good” instead of “great.”

“Well, once it’s come back, there’s a chance,” she recalled the doctor telling her following her reaction to the “good instead of great” news.

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This doesn’t mean she’s not grateful and enjoying every day that she gets to wake up.

“I know I have one foot in the grave, but I’m totally in celebration mode,” she said. “I’ve come through some horrible health issues. I’m at a place where I’m so happy celebrating my book [Linda Evangelista Photographed by Steven Meisel], my life. I’m so happy to be alive. Anything that comes now is bonus.”

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Editorial credit: Ovidiu Hrubaru /

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