Nicole Eggert Reveals Breast Cancer: Baywatch Alum Shares Scary Symptoms

Baywatch alum Nicole Eggert just revealed her diagnosis of breast cancer. And the 51-year-old former Charles In Charge star also confessed her concern for her daughter, 12.

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Find out Nicole’s health challenges. And keep reading to learn how the Baywatch alum struggles with panic attacks after a series of alarming symptoms.

Nicole Eggert Shares Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer began what Nicole Eggert summed up as a “rough journey.” And the Baywatch alum told People, “It’s just so overwhelming, and I’m just doing everything I can not to spiral.”

But the Charles In Charge alum admitted that she struggles with panic attacks since her diagnosis of stage 2 cribriform carcinoma breast cancer in early December 2023.

And Nicole explained that she first became worried about her health after gaining 25 lbs. in three months. However, the actress also suffered from “terrible pain” in her left breast.

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And when Eggert felt a lump amid a self-exam, she called her doctor. “It really was throbbing and hurting,” recalled the actress. “I immediately went to my general practitioner and she told me I had to immediately go get it looked at. But the problem was I just couldn’t get an appointment. Everything was booked. So I had to wait until the end of November to get it done.”

But after finally undergoing a mammogram and three biopsies, Eggert received her diagnosis of cancer. And she confessed, “This journey’s been rough for me. This hasn’t been a breezy sail through life.”

However, to stay positive, Nicole reads “inspirational quotes and corny stuff.” At this point, the Baywatch alum will need to undergo surgery. And she also will begin chemotherapy and radiation.

However, Eggert revealed that she worries about her treatment and if the cancer has spread. And she noted that she can “definitely feel” the lump in her breast. “It’s there. It needs to be taken out. So it’s just a matter of do I have to do treatment before the surgery or can they perform the surgery and then I do the treatment after.”

Nicole Eggert Worries About Daughters

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But the actress struggles with “panics where I’m like, just get this out of me. You sit there and it’s in you and you’re like, every second that passes and it’s inside of me. It’s growing, and you’re just like, you just want it out.”

But Nicole’s father struggled with skin cancer. And her mother battled colon cancer. As a result of that family history, Eggert worries about her children. And she names not being there for her daughters Keegan, 12, and Dilyn, 25 as her greatest fear.

“[Dilyn’s] an adult,” noted the Baywatch alum. “But I have a 12-year-old at home where I’m the only caregiver. I have no family. I have nothing,” she added. And Nicole recalled the “horror” on Keegan’s face when she told her about her diagnosis. “It immediately made me realize, there’s just no succumbing to this. This is something I have to get through. This is something that I have to beat. She needs me more than anything and anybody.”

Tell us what you think. How do you react to Nicole’s fears for her daughters? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news.


Baywatchcelebrity healthNicole EggertNicole Eggert Baywatch
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