Oprah Winfrey SLAMMED For Underpaying Black Actors, Taraji P. Henson THREATENS To Quit!

Oprah Winfrey faces a backlash over her alleged low payment for Black actors in her newest movie. And the slams come in the wake of Taraji P. Henson’s comments about the pay gap for Black actors in Hollywood.

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Find out what Henson shared amid promoting her new movie, The Color Purple, which Oprah co-produced. And keep reading to learn how social media and an entertainment industry expert reacted.

Oprah Winfrey Slammed Over Pay For Black Actors

Taraji P. Henson just appeared on Gayle King’s SiriusXM show to publicize her new movie, The Color Purple. But amid promoting the film that Oprah Winfrey co-produced, the 53-year-old actress attacked the differences in pay for Black actors, per Newsweek.

And Henson revealed that she received less pay for her “entire career. I’m just tired of working so hard, being gracious at what I do, getting paid a fraction of the cost,” added the actress.

But Taraji revealed that she hears others say the same. And she stated, “I’m tired of hearing my sisters say the same thing over and over. You get tired. I hear people go, ‘You work a lot.’ Well, I have to. The math ain’t math-ing.”

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And social media critics listened. Many believe that Oprah underpaid both Henson and her Black co-stars on The Color Purple. For instance, the cast includes singer Fantasia Barrino and The Little Mermaid star Halle Bailey.

Social Media Reacts To Oprah Winfrey Allegations

And the social media platform formerly known as Twitter lit up with reactions to Henson. For instance, one critic wrote, “Reading between the lines, Oprah and co don’t pay Black actors.”

But others pointed out how Oprah’s billionaire status contrasts with the allegations of low pay for Black actors. For example, one commentator noted, “Tough to become a billionaire if you pay folks fairly. Oprah is one of the richest Black women in the world. Her having a voice on prominent projects where Black women have complained (Mo’Nique & Taraji) about pay but not using it is…something.”

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But some feel that the studios should take the blame. For instance, one social media commentator questioned, “Do you believe Oprah is paying these actresses directly out her pockets?” And another noted, “Oprah had never to do with it, it’s the studio executives that set and have power of that. Just because you’re an executive producer doesn’t mean you have final + all say.”

Taraj Henson Considers Changing Careers

But amid the interview, Henson shared that she even thought about giving up acting due to the low pay. And the actress shared, “I’m only human. It seems every time I do something and break another glass ceiling, when it’s time to renegotiate, I’m at the bottom again like I never did what I just did.”

But she admitted, “I’m tired.” And the actress questioned, “If I can’t fight for them coming up behind me then what the f*** am I doing?”

However, J. Christopher Hamilton, assistant professor of television, radio and film at Syracuse University, supported Henson’s allegations. And Hamilton stated, “The research, data leaks, labor disputes and talent have articulated this for decades. Those in the trenches of storytelling know all too well that if you’re Black, you don’t get paid what’s fair or what you try to negotiate. Instead, you’re paid what was allocated for a ‘Black creative,’ which will be even less if you’re a Black female.”

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about the allegations that Oprah Winfrey underpaid Black actresses? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news.

Editorial credit: Joe Seer / Shutterstock.com

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey newsOprah Winfrey updatesTaraji HensonTaraji P Henson
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  • Michelle

    She should get paid good , she been acting for year and very good at it. It not fair

  • Kimberley

    To be clear I do not believe that Oprah is responsible for paying these actors. However, she does have a responsibility to speak up for them. She’s on top and should be fighting for her fellow actors to come up financially too. Bottom line: Pay Black Actors what they are worth just like their white counterparts.

    • Dolores Newman

      Not only should Oprah speak up for these women, but also the actors like Denzel Washington and Will Smith. You don’t hear them saying they aren’t paid fairly! Help the black women get what they richly deserve!!

  • Janis

    Well BK actors always got paid less we can go further… We have to eat..pay bills. Families. Place to stay..so we did it for less. So now next..why say O’s the fault

  • Gwendolyn Murphy

    When Oprah speaks people listen (movie executives, etc.) I know she worked hard for her billiions, however, Oprah could and should speak up for black female actors because their talents starring in her productions are making her even richer.
    God Bless Oprah that she will begin to place herself in the place of the likes of Taraji, Fantasia and other black actors by seeing that they are truly paid what they are worth like caucasian actors. Just “do the right thing” Oprah Gail (Gayle) Winfrey.