Twilight Director Names Two “Cool Young” Stars That Could Appear In A Remake Of The Hit Franchise

More hot vampires than we can possibly handle? It may be coming our way soon and the director knows the two stars that would be great as the lead characters.

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I’m going to take this as a given that a “Twilight” reboot may enter production soon. While Robert Pattinson’s Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart’s Bella Swan will forever live on in our hearts, our hearts can take letting in the new additions.

Catherine Hardwicke – Names Jenna Ortega As the Perfect Bella Swan

During a recent interview with on the Watch-a-long podcast, Catherine Hardwicke touched on a possible “Twilight” reboot, naming “Wednesday’s” Jenna Ortega as the perfect Bella Swan.

As for Edward Cullen, Hardwicke suggested Jacob Elordi would be perfect for the role, adding, “I mean, he’s amazing. He probably would be Edward today.”

The filmmaker added, “I do think there’s a lot of really cool young actors today. Of course, you just mentioned Jenna Ortega, she’s amazing.”

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Hardwicke then went on to describe a recent encounter with actor Lewis Tan, who told her that he had auditioned for the role of Jacob Black before it eventually went to Taylor Lautner.

“It would’ve changed anyone’s life if they got that part,” Hardwicke said of landing a part in the hit franchise.

While we may have instantly fallen in love with Robert Pattinson, he didn’t charm the studio quite so easily.

“When he came over to my house, he had black bangs for hair and was kind of out of shape because he was hanging out at the pub all the time,” the film’s director said. “I thought ‘it works not just in person, but it works on screen.’ I had to be sure. Of course, in person, I just got carried away, but you have to be sure — does it really translate [to the screen]?”

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When Hardwicke sent over “fun auditions,” the studio kind of caved and asked her if she could work some magic on Pattinson. “They called me back and go, ‘Do you think you can make this guy look good?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I do. Did you see his cheekbones? We’re doing a makeover on the hair and everything and he’s going to start working out and he’s going to be gorgeous.’ But they didn’t believe it at first. He walked over there with a stained shirt… It was Rob.”

Of course Pattinson’s casting proved to be the right one, so much so we can rarely imagine anyone else as Edward Cullen… except Jacob Elordi that is.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Robert Pattinson right now. Come back here often for all Robert Pattinson spoilers, news, and updates.

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