Will Smith Receives A Decade Ban Over Chris Rock Slap

Following the incident that took place at the Oscars on 27th March between Will Smith and Chris Rock, The Academy Of Motion Arts And Sciences has decided to ban Will Smith for 10 years due to his “unacceptable actions.”

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The Academy president David Rubin and CEO Dawn Hudson met with the Board of Governors on a Friday morning to decide the disciplinary action to take regarding Will Smith’s actions at the Oscars. They said in a statement that “The 94th Oscars were meant to be a celebration of the many individuals in our community who did incredible work this past year; however, those moments were overshadowed by the unacceptable and harmful behavior we saw Mr. Smith exhibit on stage.”

During our telecast, we did not adequately address the situation in the room. For this, we are sorry. This was an opportunity for us to set an example for our guests, viewers, and our Academy family around the world, and we fell short — unprepared for the unprecedented.”

“Today, the Board of Governors convened a meeting to discuss how best to respond to Will Smith’s actions at the Oscars, in addition to accepting his resignation. The Board has decided, for a period of 10 years from April 8, 2022, that Mr. Smith shall not be permitted to attend any Academy events including the Academy Awards.”

Addressing Chris Rock and the hosts of the event, they said “We want to express our deep gratitude to Mr. Rock for maintaining his composure under extraordinary circumstances. We also want to thank our hosts, nominees, presenters, and winners for their poise and grace during our telecast.”

“This action we are taking today in response to Will Smith’s behavior is a step toward a larger goal of protecting the safety of our performers and guests and restoring trust in the Academy. We also hope this can begin a time of healing and restoration for all involved and impacted.”

Will Smith in response to the verdict said “I accept and respect the Academy’s decision.”

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Will Smith  – The Reason For Will Smith’s 10-Year Ban

For clarity purposes, Will Smith struck Chris Rock on Sunday, March 27 at the 94th Annual Academy Award because Chris Rock made a joke saying “Jada, I love you. G.I. Jane 2, can’t wait to see it, all right?”

Chris made that joke in reference to Jada’s hair matching Demi Moore’s shaved head in the movie G.I. Jane. Apparently, Will’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith didn’t find the joke funny as she has a condition that causes her to lose her hair, but, out of the blues, Will rose from his seat, walked up to Chris, slapped him, and returned to his seat whilst yelling “Keep my wife’s name out of your f–king mouth!”

Although Smith has since apologized to Chris publicly on his Instagram, it seems his action was too big for the magic words of “I’m sorry” to make disappear.

Will Smith’s – Resignation From The Academy Is No Longer A Possibility

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Last week, Will Smith resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, which hosts the Oscars over the incident with Chris Rock.

Will, 53, said in the statement “My actions at the 94th Academy Awards presentation were shocking, painful, and inexcusable. The list of those I have hurt is long and includes Chris, his family, many of my dear friends and loved ones, all those in attendance, and global audiences at home, I betrayed the trust of the Academy. I deprived other nominees and winners of their opportunity to celebrate and be celebrated for their extraordinary work. I am heartbroken.”

He said he is willing to accept “any and all” additional consequences for his actions, adding, “I want to put the focus back on those who deserve attention for their achievements and allow the Academy to get back to the incredible work it does to support creativity and artistry in film.”

Smith concluded “So, I am resigning from membership in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and will accept any further consequences the Board deems appropriate. Change takes time and I am committed to doing the work to ensure that I never again allow violence to overtake reason.”

The Academy Board of Governors’ meeting came just days after Rubin sent a letter to the board expressing his aim to move the meeting up from its original date of April 18 to Friday, he explained that the Smith’s resignation from the Academy meant “suspension or expulsion are no longer a possibility” and that the “legally prescribed timetable” also no longer applied.

The letter stated that, under California law and the Academy’s Standards of Conduct, the Academy was required to give Smith a 15-day notice before the board meeting. The Academy was also required to “give him the opportunity to provide the board a written statement no less than five days prior to that meeting.” But following Smith’s resignation from the Academy, the board no longer had to adhere to the Standards of Conduct.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Will Smith right now. Come back here often for all the Will Smith spoilers, news, and updates.

Chris RockJada Pinkett SmithOscarsWill SmithWill Smith newsWill Smith SlapWill Smith spoilersWill Smith updates
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