AMP in the post
“After Earth was an abysmal box office and critical failure, and what was worse was that Jaden took the hit. Fans and the press were absolutely vicious; they said and printed things about Jaden that I refuse to repeat. Jaden had faithfully done everything that I’d instructed him to do, and I had coached him.
Will Smith — On Jaden’s Unexpected Request
So… continuing, Will said that after the experience and backlash from fans and press, the conversation about the movie and the backlash was never discussed between his son and him but the moment Jaden clocked 15 years old, Jaden requested to become an emancipated minor. According to Will, he felt shattered.
“At fifteen years old, when Jaden asked about being an emancipated minor, my heart shattered. He ultimately decided against it, but it sucks to feel like you’ve hurt your kids.” So, Will went on to say that Jayden probably felt disappointed in him as a father and coach.
Anyways, I guess the father and son are now on good terms because of how Jaden supported his father after the infamous Oscar slap. Where Jaden said “And That’s How We Do It, my Dads Speech Made Me Cry”
AMP in the post
Will Smith — What Brought About The Reaction From Jaden Smith
Allow me to take you down memory lane a little. On Sunday, March 27, 2022, at the Oscars 94 Annual Academy Award, Chris Rock was called up to deliver a speech and also give the “Best Actor” award to Smith for his role in King Richard. When Rock came up, he made a joke about Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett’s bald hair saying “Jada, I love you. G.I. Jane 2, can’t wait to see it, all right?” Everyone present laughed at the joke except Jada who didn’t find it funny because her shaved hair was a result of a medical condition she has.
When Smith saw that his wife wasn’t laughing, he walked up to Rock and delivered a sounding slap to Rock while screaming “Keep my wife’s name out of your f–king mouth.” Smith, after going on to win the Best Actor award that same night, did not apologize to Rock for the slap.
So..last month, July 29, Will Smith made a video to apologize for his assault on Chris Rock and to also reply to the question of why he didn’t apologize to Rock at the Oscars, Smith explained that he did reach out to Rock so that he can directly apologize to Rock for Smith’s behavior at the Oscars but he was told that Rock is not yet ready to talk but will reach out to Smith when he is ready. Will Smith actually publicly apologized to Chris Rock in that video for his actions.
AMP in the post
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Will Smith right now. Come back here often for all the Will Smith’s spoilers, news, and updates.
Editorial credit: Kathy Hutchins /
I am 71 and a fan of Will Smith. It was uncalled for what Chris Rock said regardin Jada. He like a lot of comedians feel they can say anything and get by with..he is ignorant. Jada is very luck to have a knight
To the ones that believe Chris Rock was intentionally
Rude,, he did NOT KNOW her hair loss was a medical condition .Chis is a warm , funny and good man. He would not publicly hurt Jada. Will should have known that and even if he didn’t , pause and think about the event and have a talk afterwards!
Now look at the mess that’s been created .
Sorry just won’t do it
I lost every last ounce of respect I ever had for Will Smith. What he did was childish and disgusting. And the fact that it took him months to apologize makes it even worse. And even in his supposedly “true” apology he wasn’t apologizing to Chris Rock, he was apologizing for “letting people down”!!
He’s disgusting and I’ll never waste another $ on his movies.
Violence is NEVER the answer to anything!!! And these actions by Will Smith show who he really is!!! And when someone shows you who they are…..believe them!!!
I personally didn’t care for Chris Rock’s comment about Jada but Will slapping him on stage was wrong on so many levels…
Will Smith was not professional in his gesture as a acter . no matter what situation it is in front of fans all over the world . he should step down from acting . if he hit someone he he could of seriously hurt anybody when being hit . no matter what . no hitting !
Don’t watch any of his movies, shows or anything. He’s Done!!!
Ever since WS pulled that bully move on Chris Rock, I couldn’t care LESS about his life. As a matter of fact, I won’t even see his portrayal of Mr. Williams and I HAD BEEN looking forward to that. But WS could e ACROSS THE STREET PASSING OUT 20’S ,I WOULDN’T GO. Now maybe 50’S I MITE consider it.
Will you picked your man
That’s a little much, don’t ya think? Your overreacting! Your gonna boycot movies with him in them over a SLAP!? (A dang slap) Come onnnnn.. And Stop acting like you wouldn’t take $20 free money if it came from Will! Hahahahaha. Yeaahhhh ok… Get your panties out of a bunch!
Your comment is unnecessary because it was someone else’s point they were making it. Has nothing to do with you. Try to be a little more classy and refrain from assumptions that have nothing to do with you.
He might feel the same about you if someone talks about your wife I hope you will defend her. Unless you are a Coward
Chris looked bad when he made that joke..violence was unnecessary.
Will Smith action was justified against Chris Rock, that joke wasn’t funny. God Bless You. Will.
I totally believe will Smith was rite !!!!!!
Actually it was funny and all the did was draw even more attention to it!!! Very low class and trashy of Will Smith. Thank goodness he’s been banned from attending the Oscars for 10 years….lt should be for life!!!
And he should have lost his award as well!!
He’s a disgusting human being. What an example to. Set for his children… do ‘t like a joke just hit or punch the person!!! Yeah, a very mature way to handle things!!
Omg it was just a SLAP!!! It’s Not like Will cold clocked his A$$. (Come on) Move on.. Moral of the story… (Don’t Talk Ish if you don’t wanna catch Hands)
All of you that are against Will Smith and his actions deserve a slap too..
Wake up.. I know it’s easy to “call it” from whatever computer chair your sitting in, but you don’t have the slightest and obviously arent married with a spouse battling cancer. So unless you can at least mark those two boxes keep your mouth shut on the topic. I won’t even bring up all the other boxes you would have to be ae to check to actually be able to say Will Smith is done. You are all jackasses. Chris Rock is lucky he just got an open hand to the face as far as I’m concerned. He’s just like the people that speak on this post, inconsiderate, nowhere near actually understanding what it’s like for your spouse to be living through something like that, and then some little punk makes a joke ok n national television and in front of her colleagues and fans. He’s lucky Will Smith is a stand up man. Because. Much worse could have happened. As far as I’m concerned the view should be switched, why hasn’t a single person said Chris Rock is done? Or cancel that little punk with a big mouth..
The Sandman
P.S. Just keep sleeping it will be better when the real stuff actually goes down.
I pretty much agree with Sand Man. Yes it was childish or knoguhtly depending on the viewers character. I would hope my ‘Man’ would standh up for me given the circumstances (cancer, vulnerability, sensitivity, Coivid lockdowns, and a celebrity night jitters). But ‘No”, the wanna be seen n heard Public ALWAYS sends judgement these days. That makes me angry. It happens with crime reports, politically, etc.
When I am asked what I think about an Ad on internet, I usually just pass on, no comment.
However, it is sickening for uninformed Americans to be Judge and Jury before benefit of proof is established.
That’s who needs to. Shut up and Grow up. Especially in current politics!!!!
Sandman…Violence is not the answer. She didn’t have Cancer. She has alopecia. If Will wouldn’t have reacted that way Chris Rock would have looked worse..
I agree with what he said. I still love Will for standing up for his wife.
I will always LOVE Will Smith and his acting. Chris Rock needs to accept his apology and get on with life.
His wife has a public affair but he lashes out at Chris over a joke he didnt find funny??? Misplaced machismo! Why not slap the guy who had the affair with her????
I agree with K Comer the first comment it eas not right to Jada and her family that was a sick ignorate joke ans Chris Rock should apologise to Jada and her family,at least Will apologised fir his on hurt of Jada amd family.Tje one who started the stupid ignorate joke should apologise also and should have alologised then just standing their like nothing was going to happen to him how ignorate can you get it eas terrible and thatface he give ehen he say stupid jokes ehich is all rhe time I mean DAMM come on as he say his self but ehen the tables turn a person want to act like hedid no jarm. I have been a barber and beautician, but Iam construction and auto nody and fender but I went to school to learn anout alopecia and it is a serious desease because I had cancer graves desease I was cur ear to ear Chris Rock do not know what Jada is going through,and I had7 surgeries since 2009. Hsve dome compassion when someone snaps at you when someone you love dearly is ill,sick,IT IS NOTHING TO JOKE ABOUT.BUY WILL BE STRONG FOR UOUR FAMILY AND IGNORE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND YOU AND YOUR WIFE AND YOUR FAMILY HEALTH,IGNORE CHRIS ROCK AND TELL HIM I APOLOGIZE FOR LOOSING MY TEMPER BUT WHEN YOUR WIFE AND FAMILY IS HURT YOU ARE HURT,BUT AS A MAN WHEN YOU HAVE TI STEP UP AGAIN AND EXPLAIN WHY AND EVEN THOUGH HE DID MOT APOLOGIZE TO YOUR WIFE AND FAMILY YOU WILL BE THE BETTER MAN AND SAY I SHOULD NOT HAVE HIT YOU BUT I SHOULD HAVE EXPLAINED THAT IT WAS IGNORATE TO MAKE A JOKE LIKE THAT. BECAUSE ROCK ACTS LIKE HE IS THE KIND TO NOT CARE ANOUT ANY PERSON FEELING HE JOKE ABOUT HE SHOULD ONLY JOKE ABOUT HIMSELF
Fu** Chris Rock, I bet he won’t say nothing else about someone wife And Will is one of the best actors there is fu** what everybody else say I’m still going to support you
Roc’s comment was tasteless and uncalled for. Will should be commended for defending his wife’s honor. Roc is insulting and filthy, and he doesn’t deserve a second thought.
As far as I’m concerned Will Smith bullied him He’s way bigger than Chris Rock just a bully he deserves to be blacklisted
Smith should have knocked rocks teeth down this throat. What if he had talked about his wife. Would he have laughed? Their marriage issues are not his business.
I agree 100% !!!!! Chris Rock was mean & vicious just to get a laugh !!!
Regaurdless of what happend will smith is still a great actor and if he waa not famous this wouldnt even matter he apolojized so whats the problem he is only human now let that man get on with his life and for ppl the talk about and direguard a 14 yr oud is quite discusting all that talked about Jayden in that movies is worthless let them ppl live their lives as they should.
Mr.Will Smith
I think you are the bomb.
And your beautiful wife and children
Makes you and them a whole .
Thank you and them for being a part of our lives.
I love the movies you and your son have
been in.
From fresh prince till now .
I am 64 and I hope to see many more.
Tell your son to keep his head up.
He is going to make it just like you.
And your wife is beautiful thank you for sticking up for her.
So proud of you all.
Will Smith is a dirty baboon and a cabron, a snowflake, light in his loafers, a pussy!!!! The wonder why his kids are fucked up a whore for a mother and a bitch for a father
Chris Rock stepped over the line with his remark, he deserved the slap! Hollywood and Rock are acting like little children over the whole thing! C. Rock will use this to try and ip his poor ratings as an actor and comedian, it’s sad the way everyone has turned on Will Smith!
I still support you Will, your still a he’ll of an actor and human being! You did right by standing up for Jada!
I applaud Will Smith for sticking up for his wife !!! Maybe he shouldn’t have slapped him in public but Chris Rock had it coming. Now days it seems men do not stick up for their wives. Why not ??? This world is a crazy mess! I just don’t understand why co called comedians have to tear people down & be mean to just get a laugh. Chris Rock is done in my book. Things like this is unforgivable.
What bothers me most about Will Smith’s actions is he is laughing at the joke as the camera pans on him and his wife. It was however very obvious that Mrs. Smith was not amused. Smith’s only thought was to please her. The night was his he worked hard for it and he let her ruin it. He made a fool of himself to the world for a woman who has laid with other men.
It all worked in her favor. He was the star not her but he played right into her hand.
She could have stopped him with a simple gesture but she didn’t. By all rights
he should have slapped her. Will Smith will never live this down. He must cringe everytime he thinks of what he so carelessly allowed himself to do. How sad it must be for him to know the whole world was witness to a man belittle himself for someone who cares so little for him. Maybe he should have slapped her. But then that would have been just as wrong as his having slapped Chris Rock. He may have won an Academy Award but what he lost that night he’ll never win back.