Coronation Street Spoilers: Adam Barlow Discovers Gary Windass’ Explosive Secret?

Coronation Street Spoilers: Adam Barlow Discovers Gary Windass' Explosive Secret?ITV Coronation Street spoilers reveal that Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson) is hot on Gary Windass’ (Mikey North) trail next week, but it is it possible that he has no idea the magnitude of his findings? These two have been rivals since Adam connected up with Gary’s ex Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien). Explosive show spoilers reveal that Adam will indeed find something out about the bad guy, but will he discover the whole truth about what Gary is hiding?

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It seems there is no going back now for Adam who has been digging into what he considers to be Gary’s suspicious behavior and the loan shark Rick Neelan’s (Greg Wood) disappearance a year ago.

The latest development found Adam confused to uncover that Gary was the only person to be in apparent in contact with the missing man, and that not even his family had heard from him.

Coronation Street Spoilers – It Would Appear That Adam Barlow Won’t Quite Immediately Realize The Significance Of What He Finds Out

Now spoilers for next week divulge that Adam will get back to spying due to more discoveries.

We will see crafty Adam continue to flirt with Rick’s ex-wife Laura (Kel Allen) because he thinks that she may have the answer to Gary’s shady dealings. She will confess to a bewildered Adam that Rick owes her money, but that she is receiving payments through a third party. This makes no sense to Adam and only stokes his sense that something is off.

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Coronation Street Spoilers – Adam Barlow Learns That Laura Is Getting Money From Rick Neelan Via His Minions

Adam realizes that Gary must be desperate for money leading him to suspect even more shady goings-on.
It won’t take long for Adam to add up the pieces to the puzzle and he returns to ask more questions of Laura. Specifically, he will ask Laura to tell him the exact what, when, who, what, why, and where of how she is getting her cash payments.

Will Laura reveal to Adam a key piece of evidence that leads him to the truth?

Coronation Street spoilers –Adam Barlow Asks Laura Mangan To Tell Him Exactly How She Is Being Paid By Rick

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Laura tells Adam that she goes to a safety deposit box to pick up her cash and then she actually shows him the key that she uses.

Later Adam secretly takes a picture of the key with his phone. At this point, fans will be wondering what happens next to Adam if he continues to pursue the truth. Gary is a very dangerous man and he likely won’t hesitate to hurt Adam if he fears his secret may be revealed.

Adam BarlowBritish Soap NewsBritish soapsCoronation StreetCoronation Street NewsCoronation Street SpoilersCorrieCorrie NewsCorrie SpoilersCorrie updatesGary WindassITV CorrieSoap NewsSoap SpoilersUK Soaps
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