Coronation Street Spoilers: Ken And Norris Uncover New Information – Charles Is Scamming Everyone

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Coronation Street Spoilers hint that Ken Barlow (William Roache) and Norris Cole (Malcolm Hebden) will come upon new information that will prove that Charles Lake (Michael Elwyn) has scammed everyone. Ken and Norris have been having a hard time when it comes to the way that Charles does things. However, after being charged a lot for carpet cleaning that was not done by professionals, Ken puts his foot down and approaches Charles, but Charles deflects his questions. However, Ken will find new information soon. What might be the information that Ken will stumble upon?

Coronation Street Spoilers – Ken Barlow and Charles Lake Bump Heads

When Ken first arrived at Still Waters, he was warned by Norris that Charles had been scamming people. However, he would not see the way that Charles worked until he decided to bring his dog to Still Waters for a night instead of leaving the dog at home by itself. This lead to Charles bumping into a small spot of urine that was left behind by the dog, and he charged Ken an arm and a leg to clean it. As he claimed that he was hiring professionals to clean it, but when it came time to clean the stain, he found out that a professional had not been hired to clean the stain, which went against the reason why he made the payment for the cleaning in the first place.

Coronation Street Spoilers – Ken And Norris Get Proof

After calling him out for making bogus fines, Ken recommended putting someone new in charge. Ken wants to fight back against Charles in order to knock him off of his pedestal once and for all. Ken and Claudia start off by throwing a party and inviting their fellow residents; however, no one will show up to their party. Instead, everyone is with Charles at the bar.

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Later on, Charles challenges Ken to a fencing match and wins, which leaves Ken furious. Norris calms down his friend as he tells him that this was the best distraction that allowed him to look through Charles’s bag. Inside of the bag lay the rule book that Charles did not want them to see. Upon doing their research, they find evidence that Charles indeed has been ripping off the resident.

It seems that Charles is sure of himself, but he may not want to underestimate his enemies so soon. What do you think? Do you think they will be able to take Charles down? Be sure to tune in to catch up on everything happening with Corrie right now. Come back here often for Coronation Street spoilers, news, updates, and rumors!

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