Coronation Street Ties Up Loose End From Ray Crosby Storyline

Coronation Street spoilers reveal that a loose end from the Ray Crosby’s (Mark Frost) storyline will finally be resolved. The sinkhole, which Ray had someone create at the back garden of the Platts, will finally be addressed next week.

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Fans may recall that before Ray went to jail for attempted murder, he conspired to purchase all of the residences on the cobbles. He even went as far as hiring someone to create a sinkhole at the Platt’s back garden, which allowed him to acquire their property.

Coronation Street – An Unexpected Offer To Have The Sinkhole Seen

After his arrest, his former accomplice Debbie Wester (Sue Devaney) helped the Platts get their home back but the problem with the sinkhole was never addressed. Next week, Natasha Blakeman (Rachel Leskovac) will make an unexpected offer to David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) to have the sinkhole checked. The offer will come after a terrible misunderstanding between her and Gail Platt (Helen Worth).

Sam Spends Time With The Platts

It all starts when Natasha leaves her son Sam Blakeman (Jude Riordan) with Gail so he could spend time with the family of his father, Nick Tilsley (Ben Price). Fans may recall that Natasha returned to the cobbles earlier this year and introduced Sam to his long-lost father, Nick, who is currently in hiding because of problems with Harvey (Will Mellor). Gail cleans Natasha’s house while Audrey Roberts (Sue Nicholls) watches over Sam. While tidying up the place, Gail is shocked to see that Sam created an electricity conductor board using Natasha’s silver bracelet. Gail immediately takes it off him to keep him safe.

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Coronation Street – Natasha Accuses Gail of Stealing

Unfortunately, Natasha immediately jumps to conclusions when she finds her bracelet in Gail’s bag when she dropped by to pick Sam up. Natasha accuses Gail of stealing the bracelet. Later on, Sam explains that he was the one who took the bracelet.

Natasha Offers Loan As An Apology

Natasha feels horrible for accusing Gail and as a peace offering, she tells David that she can give him a loan to have the sinkhole checked, as her way of apologizing to Gail for the misunderstanding. She also suggests for Gail to open a proper cleaning business. David accepts Natasha’s offer to lend him money and he’ll use it to fix the sinkhole in their back garden.

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Will Gail accept Natasha’s apology? Will she accept Natasha’s advice to open up a proper cleaning business?

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