Summer Specials Scheduled for Coronation Street and Emmerdale

Summer Specials Scheduled for Coronation Street and EmmerdaleITV Coronation Street and Emmerdale will soon be getting some summer specials in upcoming episodes. This will include three specials with one of them being for Emmerdale and the other two being for Coronation Street. The specials will air alongside the new episodes of the soaps. These episodes will include all of the years of drama that have taken place in Corrie and Emmerdale.

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Coronation Street spoilers: New Summer Specials Revealed

Katie Rawcliffe, who is the ITV’s head of Entertainment Commissioning, stated, “Not only will new episodes of the soaps continue in the schedules, we now have these new specials to join them and entertain viewers. Both soaps have a rich history and we’ve delved into the archives with these new programs to celebrate that.” Tom McLennan, Director of ITV Studios Entertainment North, also stated, “It has been a joy and a privilege to delve into the archives of the nation’s favourite soaps. The characters and storylines are as gripping today as they were then and it is the perfect opportunity to celebrate them.”

Coronation Street spoilers: Past Drama and Iconic Characters

The first special of Coronation Street summer special is going to be narrated by Jason Maford and is also going to look at the drama that took place over the decades. The show will also be highlighting many of the most unforgettable moments. It will be split into eight parts and will include themes such as weddings, villains, stories that gripped the nation, battle axes, scandals, partnerships, famous faces, and high days & holidays.

The next summer special will look into the iconic characters of the soap. This one will be narrated by Sally Lindsay, who will help the viewers by guiding them back through the archives where fans will see the iconic characters. It will be split into four parts and will include episodes that will be centered around Ken Barlow, Sally Metcalfe, Liz McDonald, and Roy Cropper.

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Emmerdale Street spoilers: Most Loved Families

Emmerdale’s summer special, which will be split into four parts, will be narrated by Gaynor Faye, who played Megan Macey. Emmerdale’s special will be focusing on the three generations of the most loved families of the soap. This will include the Tates, the Sugdens, and the Dingles. Two of the episodes will be focused on the Dingles. Which Summer Special are you looking forward to watching?

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