’90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days’: Does Varya Want a Green Card And Nothing More?

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90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days Varya Malina is a Russian radio personality. Varya and Geoffrey Paschel met online and have been talking for some time. Geoffrey recently informed his sons that he was traveling to Russia to meet Varya. Geoffrey believes his relationship with Varya is the real thing but he could be in for the shock of his life.

Before the show began to air questions popped up about 90 Days star Geoffrey. Apparently, Geoffrey was arrested before the show for assaulting his ex-girlfriend. This has led to accusations of domestic violence and even a petition to have Geoffrey removed from the show.

The situation was bad enough that the ex-girlfriend managed to get an emergency protection order against Geoffrey. 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days Geoffrey, however, claims any injuries on the victim were self-inflicted. Unfortunately, Paschel’s criminal record, which reaches back to 1997, makes it hard to believe that he is the innocent man he claims to be.

90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days Spoilers: Varya Claims To Want To Get To Know Geoffrey

90 Days Varya claims she wants to get to know Geoffrey but refused to spend his first night in Russia with him. Varya claims that her friends advised her not to stay with Geoffrey that night. However, Varya was fine with Geoffrey coming to Russia to meet her. Geoffrey thought they would spend every moment together getting to know each other but that is not what Varya had in mind.

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Varya did, however, go to dinner which Geoffrey and attempt to introduce him to some of the things she likes in Russia. Geoffrey was very upset that Varya chose to stay in another room instead of staying in his hotel room his first night there. Geoffery seemed to certainly be looking for sex more than companionship. Varya seemed to want to take things slow.

90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days Spoilers: Geoffrey Learns Something Upsetting

After 90 Days Geoffrey visited Varya home, he realized she had completely stopped working on it in the hopes of moving to the United States. When asked about this she admitted she stopped because he was coming to Russia. Geoffrey accused Varya of wanting a green card which is not too far from the truth.

Varya didn’t see anything wrong with planning to come to the states with Geoffrey, however, she has a backup plan. Geoffrey learns that he is not the only American that Varya is talking to and that seems to become the breaking point. Geoffrey was very upset by this realization and walked away.

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Will Geoffrey and Varya patch things up or is this the end of their romance? Was Geoffrey just a means to an end to get to the United States?

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