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AlexAnn Hopkins Gone From Days Of Our Lives As Joy Wesley Leaves Salem

AlexAnn Hopkins Gone From Days Of Our Lives As Joy Wesley Leaves SalemDays of Our Lives spoilers reveal that AlexAnn Hopkins has officially left the soap, as her character Joy Wesley decided to head back to New York. This all occurred during the Wednesday, March 19 episode.

A Days spokesperson told TV Insider, “We enjoyed having AlexAnn bring the character of Joy to life, it was a short yet important story arc, and we hope the fans enjoyed watching it unfold.”

Will Joy Wesley Return?

As Days of Our Lives fans know, Joy recently found out she was pregnant with Alex Kiriakis’s (Robert Scott Wilson) baby.

However, told her ex-boyfriend and Stephanie Johnson (Abigail Klein) that her test was negative. In fact, she’s the only person in Salem who knows about her impending bundle of “joy” (pardon the pun).

While she had scored a job at Titan, one she held for merely one day, she decided to quit and head back to NYC to be with her mom, Nancy Wesley (Patrika Darbo).

Seeing that she is pregnant with Alex’s baby, will fans see Joy back in Salem? Likely at some point, but for now, Joy is off to start a new chapter, off the canvas.

Joy Wesley’s Imprint On Days

Joy Wesley first appeared in storylines in 2003, born the daughter of Dr. Craig Wesley (Kevin Spirtas) and Nancy Wesley (Patrika Darbo), as well as the sister of Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin).

She was conceived to save Chloe’s life, who had leukemia at the time and needed a bone marrow transplant. The young girl ended up leaving town in 2005 with her parents and hadn’t been heard from since, until October 2024, when Hopkins joined the Peacock daytime drama.

Joy was first involved in a storyline where she shares a drunken night of “fun” with Johnny DiMera (Carson Boatman).

As the two were “strangers”, both were caught off guard to learn that they’d be working together daily on Body and Soul as Joy was hired as the soap’s new starlet, and Johnny was the director!

Of course, Chanel DiMera (Raven Bowens) warmed up to Joy, fast, but that friendship blew up quickly after the truth came out about Johnny and Joy’s night.

While fans assumed the two had done the deed, based on the dialogue, the plot twist in this arc was that no line was crossed, except for kissing.

Do you think Joy will return to the canvas at some point? Comment below! Check out the Peacock soap daily to catch all the drama in Salem and visit CTS often for the best Days of Our Lives updates, news, and spoilers.

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