Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers suggest things could go awry for Gwen Rizczech (Emily O’Brien) as she tries to move on with her life. While she’s enjoyed a little fun with Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson) her heart still belongs to Xander Kiriakis (Paul Telfer). However, she may have bigger issues up ahead as it relates to her career with The Spectator.
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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – Jennifer Horton Has Neither Forgiven Nor Forgotten
It’s interesting just how easily both Jack Deveraux (Matthew Ashford) and Jennifer Horton (Cady McClain) gave into Xandy and Gwen’s demands about the Spectator. They handed the paper over to the two schemers and bolted out of town. With that said, while Jenn is not exactly a schemer, she does know the newspaper industry quite well. She might be biding her time for the perfect opportunity to strike back at Gwen for her blackmailing stunt.
Then again, Days of Our Lives spoilers show Jenn may currently (and secretly) be up to no good from afar as she looks to serve up a cold dish of revenge on her dear stepdaughter.
DOOL Spoilers – Jennifer Horton Is Hard At Work To Create A Competitor For The Spectator
As the Spectator is the only newspaper in town, Jenn could be chipping away at creating a little competition for the publication. As the old saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and starting a new communications outlet will take time, effort, and a lot of hard work. Ms. Horton is no stranger to the newspaper game, neither is Jack.
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They could easily be trying to build a new legacy in Salem, to inch The Spectator out. After all, if there was another alternative read in the little town, most would hop away from Gwen’s publication and jump to Jenn’s. Ms. Horton has family, friends, and real connections in the community. Bankrupting the Spectator would certainly be a way to punish Gwen for her blackmailing stunt and also vindicate J&J for all Rizczech has done to them.
Could Jenn, with the help of Jack, be working on creating a new publication for Salem, from afar? They make a great pair, both personally and professionally! Have your say in the comment section. Don’t forget to tune into Days on Peacock regularly to see the drama unfold and visit this site regularly for all the latest Days Of Our Lives spoilers and news.