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Stay with us for a moment while we spin an alternate possibility that makes total sense when you think about it. Could Abby have murdered Gwen Rizczech (Emily O’Brien) instead of the reverse?
Days Of Our Lives spoilers – Who Is Who in Salem?
Abby’s family mourned over her dead body, had a service for her, etc., etc. But isn’t Stefan DiMera (Brandon Barash) laying in a bed just waiting to be revived? Yes he is. And isn’t crazy Dr. Rolf free to run amok after being given a pardon by the governor? Yes he is. In this case, DOOL fans, 2+2 could = a sister switch.
The mask manufacturer supplying Salem is on fyah. There’s no need for Halloween. Let’s break down what we know so far.
It’s plausible that Gwen (Emily O’Brien) wanted to murder her sister and set up Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey) to take the fall.
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DOOL Spoilers – Did Abigail DiMera Really Die?
It could be that Gwen had a Sarah mask on and Lucas Horton (Bryan Dattilo) saw her. But what if Abigail fought back with her whole life (pun intended) and managed to stab and kill Gwen.
Abby would then conveniently have an alter come out, it’s not like it hasn’t happened before. Is this alter going around Salem mask-erading as Gwen?
Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – What Happens Next In Supernatural Salem?
It’s possible given that Gwen could have had an Abby mask on her so that after a tussle, she would disappear and it would be assumed that she simply vanished. She would have counted on stashing Abigail somewhere and then take over her perfect life, the one she has been jealous of since the day she learned how to talk. But did Abigail turn the tables? Is she now the one walking around with a Gwen mask? What do you think DOOL fans? Isn’t this a terrifically plausible scenario for Salem?
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Of course it is! Abigail’s alter running around as Gwen would be a dream come true if she didn’t want to be detected. Now tell us what you think about this fantastic plot!
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with DOOL right now. Come back here often for Days of our Lives spoilers, news, and updates.
Lol doesn’t make sense at all, why would she not want to be detected.. why would she want to do that to her kids and husband…and friends and rest if her family…sorry but this scenario is just…well to put it bluntly…stupid.
I’d rather Abby be in jail than dead
Omg if that’s the case it would be awesome!
Still not feeling them moving to Peacock that’s so unfair!
I am so mad they are moving to peacock. Seriously. Now ya have to pay to watch it.
Anything possible when it comes 2 dool. I kinda like the scenario if Abbys alter came out just in the nick of time 2 save her own life. Wonder how the spd will react if so? Enquiry minds do want 2 know
I think it’s a stupid scenario and I hope the writers aren’t planning on this. If so, I’m done watching this program. It’s no longer a soap opera but a poorly written science fiction !!
That would be crazy! Where as my husband says downright Loco! Great for her kiddos and Chad! We would love this outcome because come on who really likes Gwen!
When and how and why did Ben become Alex?? I missed it. And can’t make the connection—where is Ciiera??
Can’t watch DOOL anymore so General Hospital has gained 2 new fans. So long, DOOL. Too bad you didn’t take into account senior citizens on a fixed income, with older TVs, who’ve been faithful to you lo these many, many years.