Days of Our Lives spoilers and updates tease that Ben and Ciara Weston (Robert Scott Wilson, Victoria Konefal) will have some amazingly good news to share. That is, once they track down Hope Brady (Kristian Alfonso)-might she be getting another grandchild, a brother or sister for Bo Weston (Cody and Warren Krasnow)?
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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – Bo Brady Gets Another Grandchild Too
Of course, even though Bo Brady (Peter Reckell) saved baby Bo’s life and saved him from the devil when he came to earth as an angel, nobody knows he’s alive now. Hope doesn’t know and neither do Ben or Ciara, or anyone other than Kate Brady (Lauren Koslow) who’s trapped in Megan Hathaway’s (Miranda Wilson) compound too. No one in Bo’s family, including Kayla Johnson (Mary Beth Evans) knows although she will later this week, but he’ll get another grandchild too if Ciara’s expecting.
Hope will be working on Harris Michaels (Steve Burton) to complete a dangerous looking deprogramming to rid himself of Megan’s brainwashing. He’ll remember a cryogenic cylinder which Hope will press to remember who may have been in it, and they’ll be hunting answers and Megan to take her down for good.
DOOL Spoilers – Ciara Weston Tries To Call
In the weekly preview for March 20-24, Ciara tries to reach Hope and is disappointed to find out she’s chasing after Harris again. In Beyond Salem ll, Ciara didn’t like her mother moving on with this man she knew nothing about, and it looks like her opinion hasn’t changed. Ben and Ciara seemed to be celebrating something that Hope would want to know, and what else could it be besides a new baby? Ciara’s not tied to her mother’s apron strings, so it’s doubtful it would be about baby Bo’s first steps, even though he’d be about the right age now.
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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – Happy Family Reunion Soon
If Ciara and Ben do have a bun in the oven, once Megan’s taken down and Bo is back to normal they’ll all have a happy family reunion. Only one thing could hinder that, and it’s if Harris and Hope are an issue for a reunification of Hope and Bo. Might we see Bo riding into a Harris-Hope wedding on a new motorcycle taking Hope away again like he did with Larry Welch (Andrew Masset)?
Bo would have to have a new motorcycle, Ciara inherited his-after all those years and all this trouble for Bo and Hope to find each other, no one wants a triangle! Perhaps this time it’ll be a little girl and they’ll name her after Hope.
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with DOOL right now. Come back here often for Days Of Our Lives spoilers, news, and updates.
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