Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Conniving Gabi Takes Advantage, Accepts Li’s Shares, Uses Against Him?

Days of Our Lives spoilers and rumors tease that conniving Gabi Hernandez (Camila Banus) plans to take advantage. She might decide to accept Li Shin’s (Remington Hoffman) gift of his DiMera shares but then find out a way to use them against him.

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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – Li Shin Fired, But Dad’s On The Board

Li may have been fired by EJ DiMera (Dan Feurreriegel) but his dad, Wei Shin (Clyde Kusatsu) is still on the DiMera board. Li was also on the board at one time, until after the death of Stefan and return of EJ and Li somehow finagled a job in the company. There was an opening and somehow he wormed his way in, but Gabi knows if she accepts his shares she can find some way to get him sent to Shanghai.

Gabi hopes to run DiMera with Stefan again as equal partners like they did before he died, and like she and Jake DiMera (Brandon Barash) did before they were fired. EJ thinks that only DiMeras should be running DiMera but he doesn’t want to share the company with Stefan.

DOOL Spoilers – Long Range Plan, Short Term Goals

Gabi has run her own company before so she knows the ins and outs of the corporate world; she knows she can use these shares to make more money. More money means more shares without having to invest her own money-and more shares mean more power-her short term goals are to make enough money from shares to have a majority. In other words, her long range plan is to stage a corporate takeover and kick all the Shins to the curb, therefore impressing Stefan. As things stand now, with Stefan remembering his love for her but also being in love with Chloe Lane, (Nadia Bjorlin) he’ll never agree to her being his co-CEO. Gabi wants to give Li a kick in the teeth as well as a kick to the backside, when he realizes she took his gift and used it against him.

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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – No Intentions To Reconcile

As Li tries to force Gabi to stay with him and fights against their divorce, he must be shown he’s no match for a conniving Gabi. Li might be a schemer but Gabi’s twice the schemer he is and five times as stubborn to boot-she’s setting him up for a firefight. She has no intentions to reconcile with him but she’ll use him as long as she needs, she’s realized their “love” was more of a mutual use society anyway.

Gabi felt like “Li who” the minute she found out Stefan had been resurrected. She’s not happy that he knew for the whole five or so years that Rolf could put a heart in him, when she was told Stefan couldn’t come back.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with DOOL right now. Come back here often for Days Of Our Lives spoilers, news, and update

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  • Elaine

    The “death “ of the 3 women was ridiculous…and now “alive” again makes me want to leave this soap!

    No more DEVIL and unrealistic storylines….please…….

  • Lisa Ogle

    I understand why most of the soaps are now off the air, poor writing, more about sex than adventure, pushing threesomes, turning people gay that were never gay before, ruining the soaps we have watched for so many years. What happened to mysteries, intrigue and actual romance not just bed hopping and no one knows how to take birth control. If you need to have a gay character(s) bring in new characters to add that to the mix but stop pushing it on people. My sister was gay when she was alive and what your pushing is what she called Lipstick Lesbians – its not a choice its a Trend! Be real about it if that is the direction you want to go. Leave the stars we have come to know alone! I am even tired of just reading about the soaps I said if they get better I would start watching again but every since the Days Threesome nah, Now BB is getting out there and the writers don’t care what the people who watch want. Y&R isn’t too bad but I hope Adam and Sally get together and I would love to see someone topple Victor and Victoria preferably Adam! I hope Mariah and Tessa get the baby they want and would love to see Paul Williams back!