Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Stacy Haiduk Reveals Kristen Desperate To Hold Another Baby – Could It Make Her Realize Mickey’s Her Child?

Days of Our Lives spoilers reveal Kristen DiMera (Stacy Haiduk) has really latched onto Mackenzie “Mickey” Horton (the May twins). We know the real reason why, but she doesn’t know the truth yet. Could holding the little girl make Kristen realize that the infant is actually her daughter, who she was told died? If so, how will she convince Brady Black (Eric Martsolf) and what could happen next?

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Kristen DiMera’s Desperation

DOOL spoilers reveal Kristen is still grieving the “death” of her baby girl, Rachel Isabella DiMera Black. However, what she doesn’t realize is that her subconscious is trying to tell her something.

This leads her to feel connected to baby Mickey. In fact, she asked Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan) if she could hold the infant. Haiduk explained why Kristen asks Eric if she can hold the little girl to Soap Opera Digest,

“She just so desperately wants to just hold another baby, a child in her arms, just to feel what that’s like. She hasn’t been this close to a child in a long time.”

DOOL Spoilers: Holding Mickey Horton

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It is suggested that if she is ever given the opportunity to hold baby Mickey, then she will probably feel an instant connection. Could she realize that this child does not belong to Eric and Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey), but is actually her daughter?

Convincing Brady Black

Days of Our Lives spoilers indicate that if the storyline goes this way, then Kristen will express her thoughts to Brady. However, he has already accepted Rachel’s death. He will probably think that she is grasping onto straws and might be getting a tad delusional. However, Kristen can be tenacious and eventually, he will probably try to prove to her that Mickey is not their baby.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Demanding DNA Test

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The only way to prove who Mickey belongs to is by a DNA test. However, Eric and Sarah are probably not going to allow it right away. After all, Mickey has already been through enough with the cancer treatments and bone marrow transplant.

Eventually, they will probably consent to the DNA test to prove her wrong. However, they might be in for a shock when the results come back. That’s if Xander Cook Kiriakis (Paul Telfer) and Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston) don’t find out about it first.

When do you think the truth will come out about Mackenzie? How will Victor and Xander explain their actions? Fans will have to keep watching the NBC soap opera to see how this storyline ends.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with DOOL right now. Come back here often for Days of Our Lives spoilers, news, and updates!

Days of Our LivesDays of Our Lives Spoilersdooldool spoilers‏Kristen DiMeraNicole Walker
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