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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – The Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Devil Trapped Susan Banks In The DiMera Crypt With John Black
Days of Our Lives viewers will recall that Marlena Evans, (Deidre Hall) under the full influence of the devil, trapped Susan in the DiMera crypt, bringing her as Susan cat in a carrier, where she let her out and changed her back into herself. However, as Susan prayed and John Black (Drake Hogestyn) called out to his beloved “Doc” within Marlena, suddenly both Marlena and Susan fainted at the same time! But then, at least momentarily, the devil went down to Memphis inside of Susan!
Then the devil left Susan but turned into Kristen DiMera (Eileen Davidson) of the past, who tried to have her way with John, who was still chained to a post inside the crypt! Longtime Days of Our Lives viewers will recall years ago that Kristen had a thing for John, in spite of him being her father Stefano DiMera’s (Joseph Mascolo) pawn at the time. But, after all this, MarDevil has places to be and things to do, and havoc to wreak, so the devil jumps back into Marlena and leaves, and John and Susan try to figure a way out of the crypt together!
DOOL Spoilers – John Black And Susan Banks Work Together To Free Themselves
Days of Our Lives viewers will see John and Susan work together to try and free themselves from the crypt; John is still chained to a post and by this time is losing strength and the pain in his arms and body must be becoming unbearable, with his hands in irons above his head! It will eventually have an effect similar to that of crucifixion and he will die, if not soon freed! Longtime Days of Our Lives viewers will recall that Susan Banks carried a child for Kristen who she later reclaimed, named Elvis John DiMera who of course is now EJ DiMera (Dan Feurreriegel). Susan struggles to remember if either EJ or Stefano DiMera (Joseph Mascolo) ever told her about a secret way out of the crypt or a secret key hidden inside! Susan knows she and John must escape somehow, and John may need medical attention soon!
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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers – John Black And Susan Banks Come Up With A Plan
Why MarDevil didn’t turn Susan back into a cat or tie her up, may be her assumption Susan’s as dumb as she looks, but longtime Days of Our Lives viewers know that in spite of Susan’s quirky looks and personality, she’s actually pretty smart! John and Susan know that MarDevil will likely return to the crypt to finish the two of them off, providing that someone else in the DiMera family doesn’t beat her over there. If someone else happens to show up to pay their respects to someone buried there – EJ, Chad DiMera, (Billy Flynn) Tony DiMera, (Thaao Penghlis) or even Kate DiMera (Lauren Koslow) shows up, any of them would help – even a morbidly curious Johnny DiMera (Carson Boatman)!
But Susan knows, and reminds John that the devil gets his information through his minions in the spirit world – and they have to be careful what they say to each other. They may be forced to try and out-con the ultimate con man – Lucifer himself! They decide if they are forced to come up against MarDevil or worse, since Susan is free, John should make a distraction and Susan should make a break for the door as their enemy enters! The opportunity arises, and even though Susan hates to leave John behind, she knows it’s the only way to get help, and she rushes out the door as John distracts the devil!
Stay tuned to Days of Our Lives, and keep checking Days of Our Lives spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates, and developments!
AMP in the post
I think both susan and John should get out. John needs to warn ben and ciara about ciara. john has no idea ciara is being cursed.
So we are supposed to believe that John’s been chained for weeks with no food, no water, no bathroom?? I HATE this story line.
me to this is a low blow and don't forget what she did to Doug.
I think it’s a bunch of BS not worth watching any more John has to be pretty darn full of every thing by now no bathroom use but then nothing to drink ,crazy story line I’m over it ,