Five Reasons NOT To Recast GH Jason Morgan

General Hospital fans have been asking whether or not Jason Morgan would once again be recast. Jason is a favorite character, however, for many fans, only Stone Cold will do and Steve Burton is him. Should Jason be recast? Stone Cold fans say NO and he’s why.

AMP in the post

General Hospital Spoilers – Steve Burton Is Jason Morgan

General Hospital’s Jason Morgan was created after Steve had played Jason Quartermaine for years. Steve, and some fans, wanted a change. Jason Quartermaine was boring, Jason Morgan, on the other hand, was dangerous and exciting. Steve literally created Jason by changing his personality and his responses to people. Steve made Jason the hitman he turned into. Steve gave Jason an edge that he had never had before. Jason became a dangerous daredevil who kept fans attached to their screens.

GH Spoilers – These Writers Don’t Know Jason Morgan

General Hospital’s current writers have proven that they cannot write for Jason Morgan. Even with Steve back in the role, Jason has turned soft. Jason should have returned to Port Charles furious as hell and demanding revenge. Jason would have hunted Peter down and taken him out in a heartbeat. This version of Jason is a dud.

General Hospital Spoilers – Jason Morgan Has Become A Deadbeat

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When it comes to his children, Jason might as well be Lucky Spencer (ex-Jonathan Jackson). Jason spent time with his children when he first came home but doesn’t even mention them now. Jason’s sons were not even invited to his wedding to Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) or included in anything to do with it. Jason was not even shown telling the boys he was getting married.

GH Spoilers – Jason Morgan Would Not Have Fallen For Carly

General Hospital’s Jason would have never fallen for Carly no matter what. Jason was a man of honor. Jason and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) live by a code. Jason and Sonny vowed long ago not to date the same woman. Jason would have respected Sonny’s relationship with Carly and would have married her in name only. Never would Jason have agreed to be more.

General Hospital Spoilers – Jason Morgan Would Have Fought For Sam

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General Hospital’s Jason would have fought for his relationship with Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco). Jason would not have walked away from Sam or the children after he fought for five years to come home to them. Jason would have never let Sam’s fears keep them apart. Jason vowed to Sam before he was kidnapped to never let her go again. Jason vowed to be there for his son as well, even when he thought he was Franco’s child. Jason fought for his marriage before he left and won, Jason would have been with his wife and child no matter what.

Jason has already been recast once and it completely changed the character. Jason Morgan fans want a Jason that is true to character. If Jason cannot be himself, he doesn’t need recast at all.

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    I LOVE JASON And really upset he’s gone but for now I think he must be recast ( in hopes of his return) if not Jason still STAYS in pursuit of Britt . That’s a must . 
    I’m Happy to see him finally away from Sam!!!! & Sam & Dante ok .
    Britt & Jason is refreshing and will be interesting !!! Go for it . Please !!!

  • Guest

    Recast him mow u cant have Britt leaving like she is responsible If they knew he was leaving they should had sent him away no this storyline Recast so Jason can have closure Britt can move on if only for a mont recast him if the Actors is good keep him so sick of this people like steve and ingo behaving like prime madonnas teach then a lesson anybody can have ur job Gh need to make a search and to a chemistry test with the Actors and KellyT

  • Guest

    I totally agree with this article! I’m upset that he’s gone for now but Jason should not be recast. Sam and Jason should have remained together. I don’t think Sam with Dante or Britt with Jason workstation all.

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    No no and nooooooooooo

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    Britt was best thing ever to happen to jason.the 2 of them were hottest couple to hit daytime drama.Carly is a old has been that pulls the strings but I haven't seen anyone that is a match ,Oh I Know Carly and Gladys great combo.Carly has no sex appeal she looks old now but was never good always selfish

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    Never recast Jason Morgan.

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    I don't agree with anything in this article. Jason is not a heartless guy. Quite the opposite. Sam made her choice and he respected it and is much better off without whiney Sam. Jason and Carly have always loved each other and were together first. I always wanted Carly and Sonny together but Jason and Carly seemed like a beautiful match with a great future.
    As for Jason not being with his son….until this week, Sam hasn't been with them either. There are soooo many stories going on and unfinished, how could they make time for nurturing family relationships. So very sick of the Peter story. It's ridiculous.

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    No, Jason should not be recast. No body can be Jason but Steve. Steve made that character what it is and he's the reason he's such a BIG and favorite character. While I understand Steve's choice to leave. And GH is different with out him. But he's left before and all we can do is hope he gets to return. I also believe the reason the they broke up Jason and Sam is because of some kind of issue that Kelly had and maybe what lead Billy Miller to leave. Kelly didn't want to work with Steve anymore. I don't know if it's right. But It was a post or something I saw when Sam and Jason first broke up and of course it could just vw a rumor. It might have just been a personal reason. I have no clue. But regardless I think it's interesting to see them with other people. I mean hell Sonny and Carly been married 10 times. So anything is possible. However to answer the question at the moment. I DON'T THINK JASON SHOULD BE RECAST. I hope Trevor is playing Jax.

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    I totally agree with what this article said.. Jason would have fought for his relationship with Sam. Jason would not have walked away from Sam or the children after he fought for five years to come home to them. There wouldn't have been no Britt or Dante to come in between them. Jason would never had a relationship with Carly,or even married her. If Jason cannot be himself, he doesn’t need recast at all. These writers no nothing of Jason, learn that when they had Billy Miller playing him. NO matter what Jason isn't true to his character. There is no way he would be with Britt.. I love Britt but not with Jason. Just like I love Dante but not with Sam.. It's just like they changed Sam, she isn't the same Sam as before. But I do know that the fans are the ones who give backlash at these characters.. But the actors are doing their jobs.. It's the writers who have turnes you against them..