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General Hospital Comings and Goings: Kelly Monaco OUT As GH Sam McCall

General Hospital Comings and Goings: Kelly Monaco OUT As GH Sam Morgan

General Hospital spoilers tease that Kelly Monaco, who has played Sam McCall on General Hospital since October of 2003, is leaving the ABC soap. Per, ABC has decided to terminate her character, According to sources, Sam will be killed off sometime this fall, Monaco was reported “blindsided” after learning of Sam’s fate.

General Hospital Spoilers: Kelly Monaco also appeared on Port Charles

Before she joined General Hospital, Monaco played Livvie Locke on Port Charles, a 30-minute spin-off of General Hospital from 2000 – 2003.

After Port Charles’ cancellation, Monaco took on the role Sam, who she’s played ever since. She has been nominated for two Daytime Emmy Awards during her career, once in 2003 for her tole in Port Charles and then again in 2006 for General Hospital.

Sam’s love story with Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) was a huge part of Sam’s story for most of her time at General Hospital although she’s now paired with Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zomprogna).

GH Spoilers – Kelly Monaco was the first winner of Dancing With the Stars

In 2005, Monaco participated in the first ever season of Dancing With the Stars where she won the Mirrorball Trophy, She also competed in the 15th Season, also called the “All-Star” season and finished in third place.

Right after her initial win, General Hospital hoped to capitalize on her fame by having Sam involved in a ballroom dancing storyline.

General Hospital Spoilers – Sam McCall will be killed off!

A final airdate for as Sam for Kelly Monaco hasn’t yet been announced, Storyline wise, Sam is happily involved with Dante for now, but it looks like Dante’s first wife Lulu Spencer (last played by Emme Rylan) is about to wake up from an almost four year coma. Whether Lulu’s return has anything to do with Sam’s death remains to be seen.

What do you think?

Are you surprised that Monaco is being written off? What will be Sam’s exit storyline? Does this mean Dante and Lulu are about to reunite?

Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

  1. cdf says

    WTF is wrong with these writers?? You keep the jackass Cates, whiny Portia, TJ, just and the list goes on. You let Kelly go after all these years ?
    Why? How about you writers fire yourselves and GH get some real writers!

    1. Silvana De Nardis says

      Well said, couldn’t agree more!

    2. MJF says

      The WRITERS DO NOT make the hiring and firing decisions!! They just write the stories for whoever they’re told too, and kill off, imprison, send to rehab, or put in a coma etc. whoever they’re told to. You can blame them for a lot, but NOT for this.

    3. Lisa says

      Really. You are right about the whiners. The worse. Keep TJ. Cates and Portia whatever. Sam was getting annoying but I like her. She has children. Why murder her? Awful. Cyrus is back. Been on here 21 years. She was involved with Billy they fired.

    4. Melanie says

      What is wrong with the higher ups on GH. Kelly Monaco is one of my favorite characters on the show. I have been watching GH for 30 years. I love her character. She will be so missed.

    5. Gammalinda48 says

      I totally agree with the very first comment by CDF, here we go again with all the CRAZY NEW STORYLINES!! THESE NEW WRITERS don’t know what the hell their doing get RID OF THEM not the CAST!!

    6. Horton says

      Why??? Why???? What happened to the writers of GH? Have they gone crazy??? I think so.

    7. Janice Bailey says

      100 percent agree. There are so many other people that have no reason or talent. The writers have failed Kelly. One last note, I can’t help but wonder if Steve Burton is part of the reason… He said on his show TODAY that he prefers to work alone…with a smirk on his face

  2. Lori Thompson says

    A complete ass disaster! I hate those Fucking writers! They are all over the damn place! How about just canceling the show altogether!

    1. Silvana De Nardis says

      Fine point taken

    2. MJF says


    3. Tshaye Noel says

      I said the same thing..Just cancel the whole show..The new writers came in & just dismantled the whole GH history .

  3. Dee says

    I truly hope this isn’t true. You have given Sam no storyline in many months and now this!!!
    She is a long time beloved character. Stop bringing in new and getting rid of the tried and true. I have watched since the first day it aired and have never been this disappointed.

  4. BarbR says

    The writing for GH has been less than stellar for quite sometime. I no longer watch it but do keep up via this venue. The storylines are amateur and cannot match the thought given to storyline history and fan loyalty. The WSB times of writing and prior were the days of professionalism. Nancy Grahn COVID tantrum was the beginning of the end. Sorry this happened to Kelly Monaco, she is and institution and will be missed.

    1. suzie says

      Totally agree with this. Nancy is nothing but a big mouth with nothing important to say. She single-handedly brought down show quality with her COVID demands and political rhetoric. She has far too much influence, and I don’t know why.

      1. Janice Bailey says

        Agree. They should have gotten rid of Nancy a LONG time ago

    2. Djm says

      I just found this site. I’ve been watching for 50 years, with some breaks. Tuned back in again during Covid after a 6-year hiatus. I felt like there were new writers, but wasn’t sure. Now it’s confirmed. The storyline have seemed somewhat lame and at times just ridiculous and totally unrealistic. I cannot believe Sam is being let go. Whoever is making that decision is dead wrong. She is a major player and extremely talented. I hope her talent is recognized and she is given scripts that will utilize her potential. Need another writer shake up. This group borders on insulting.

  5. ZizzyTop says

    I think getting rid of a pivotal charecter like Sam is sometimes necessary. Truthfully she hasn’t had much of a presence in a very long time. And she seems to be bored and lackluster in her performance. She’s become more of a story filler than story lead. At one time I adored Sam. And she and Jason were my fav couple. Now, I think both their time has come and gone. Time to usher in some new generation of GH couples… The Sasha and Cody, Chase and BrookLynn, Maxie and Spin, maybe Liz and a new man, because Liz is timeless. And I’ve never been a Liz fan. But since she lost Franco, she’s different. More mature, more centered, more legacy material.

    1. Lisa says

      Jason or I see lucky’s back. Young and restless has worse story lines. Talk about winners.

  6. Nilda says

    GH…Love Sam ..Why?.. Don’t ruin Micheal’s marriage, have her forgèt him ..Drew can be her father
    What are the writers thinking?
    Not having the three sister’s
    So sad…Molly against the sister and TJ doesn’t help as if his mother was any better..
    Please every one has a secret..

  7. Ntre says

    What the heck is wrong with GH? How can they her go? Why don’t they give her a meaty part again so she can use her top rate acting skills? You guys are fools, you should be lucky that someone her caliber has continued to stay with the show! GH you need real writers who pay omage to the past history while adding new history.

    1. PL says

      I wish Sam and Jason get back together, Sonny and Carly get back together, Sasha and Michael get back together, Cody and Brooklyn get together.

  8. Gladys says

    Big mistake killing off Sam, get rid of the annoying whiny characters John Cates, Lucy, Portia even Anna she’s become very annoying with her double standards. Brennen he’s useless.

    1. Lisa Harris says

      Yes and Jason isn’t afraid of Anna’s demands.

    2. Judy In South Carolina says

      Lucy has been around longer than Sam and many others. She is a refreshing change to BORING and SAD story lines.

    3. Djm says

      Haha! True. Anna has become annoying. Portia, too.

  9. Trudy says

    Big mistake, Sam is a staple on GH , no matter how much air time she gets, won’t be the same! Lost me!

  10. NikiTwoShoes says

    The releasing of KM isn’t that much of a surprise after some of the other brain surgeon staffing decision’s the GH ptb have made in the last year or so. But telling the world that they plan to kill her off instead of blindsiding us and generating some much needed shock and anger and gut wrenching scenes is just stupid. Not only are they letting an icon go, they aren’t even using the
    ludicrous decision to their advantage. Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb!!!

  11. Rhonda Gantz says

    Kelly Monaco plays such a great character that I hate to hear this! Sam McCall is connected to so many other characters that this will leave too big of a hole in the canvas! Please reconsider!!! Kelly’s the best!!! ♥️

  12. Irene Deeken says

    General hospital is going to loose a lot of fans writing off Sam and they deserve it!!!

  13. Jules says

    I read today that Kelly Monaco is out as Sam and the character was being written off. It is appalling how they write out characters without so much as a warning. Kelly Monaco has been very loyal to ABC & the fans. When GH brought back Gloria Monte as head writer they fired much of the cast and brought on new characters. Some of those characters were very good and are still on the canvas but the jolt of the new people in new storyline so fast made fans crazy and they let go some very good writers from the fallout. It was the same situation due to a ratings dip. Personally, I liked the character of Sam. Even if she & Dante break up, she has history with Jason, Ric, Sonny & Jax. She’s the only Jerome left besides Ava, also a Cassadine. Part of the Davis sisters & Alexis. There are plenty of unattached characters to cut such as Natalia, Gio, Jagger, & a long list. If her storyline goes back burner, drop her to recurring status. They should not mistreat Kelly Monaco.

  14. Cindi says

    If they’re going to kill off Sam, then I’m going to ask the question: what did they bring Jason back for? JaSam. Was one of the legendary super couples ever on GH. You have an opportunity to put them back together, it will help your viewership, and you might actually be able to write a decent story for a change. I don’t know what in the hell is going on down there, I really stopped watching and just catch up in this place or similar places, pretty soon, I’m gonna give up all together. You are ruining a 65 year old show. Fire the writers!!! Enough already!

  15. Sandy says

    Sam should stay, big mistake taking her off the show. I was not too fond of the Dante/Sam couple, but she should remain in the show. Get rid of Nina, Cates, Natalia, Gio, TJ, and a few others before her.

  16. Judy says

    If this news comes to pass, it’ an incredible bummer. Why on earth would GH get rid of Sam? She is part of the permanent GH family. I was looking forward to her being reunited with Jason. To add to the injury, she is going to be killed off ??? She is connected to so many in Port Charles. It. will be so sad to see so many heart broken. At least give her a storyline that has a comeback option. To the powers, what a mistake.

  17. Mary J Duffield says

    Agree with Most comments! Sad ! Do not take Kelly off the show! Been watching since GH started!!!!

  18. Steve Smith says

    Did you people even read the article? It clearly says KM is leaving the show and so in response her character will be killed off as decided by ABC. So that suggests that leaving the show is KM’s decision and instead of leaving it open for her possible return Sam will instead be killed off. Personally I say it’s good as Sam has become extremely annoying and a complete waste. Killing her off was made by ABC not the writers so those of you blaming the writers are completely dead wrong

    1. MJF says

      Actually, it says “ABC has decided to terminate the character”. The question is, did she decide to leave, so then they decided that? Or did they decide to get rid of the character, therefore getting rid of KM in the process? If SHE made the decision to leave, they could have recast permanently with Lindsay Hartley. She is known to fans and has been mostly accepted by them when she has filled in. Yes, some would never be happy with any recast, but it would be better than killing off a character so connected to so many, and with so many future possibilities.

    2. cdf says

      Do you even read the article yourself! It clearly says she was terminated!!! It also says she was blindsided! And the fact that she’s become ” boring”. take that up with all the idiot a mature writers that they keep changing!

  19. MissAster says

    Does not matter who lets her go . We don’t want all these new people!!! Bring back the old ones. Get better story lines. Sam was best when she was with Jason. Jason was best with Britt. Sonny needs Carly. Bring back the last Lu Lu. Natalia sucks. Jagger sucks, they had the chance to bring back the original why in the world didn’t they ? Can’t stand Nancy (Alexis). She really is a great actress but personally she needs to stick to the acting and keep her nose out of other people’s business ! Zip It

  20. BJR says

    The Sam character was superfluous. She had no storyline for a very long time. However, why did they recast if they were going to kill her off? Did KM just walk off the set or was her contract done? What’s with the recast? And yes, Portia is not really needed, but she could be a pivotal player but another actress is needed to replace the current one who is beautiful BUT just too stiff for this role.

  21. 040163 says

    I am not techno savvy but could some start a patition to keep Sam? Back years ago when so idiot decided its would be smart to fire RH/Liz her fans went ballistic and she was rehired. Could we not at least give KM/Sam that same loyalty? Aga

  22. 040163 says

    I am not techno savvy but could someone start a partition to keep Sam? Back years ago when some idiot decided it would be smart to fire RH/Liz, her fans went ballistic and she was rehired. Could we not at least give KM/Sam that same loyalty? Thanks

  23. […] It’s why Maxie never told Dante the truth — that Lulu was itching to tell him she still loved him just before she was injured in the explosion at the Floating Rib. Is that about to change though? […]

  24. KWinks says

    are you not thinking right how can you let Sam go after all these years she has been on GH. If this is her chose that is one thing but of not I think you are making a big mistake

  25. Joyce says

    It’s just ridiculous how they are letting go of the actors that are great but keeping the whiny ones..tired of and cates..l know that fixing and hiring are not the writers fault but the storyline are and they are crappy..messing with Micheal and Willow..but l love Kelly as Sam and she should stay.

  26. cajunqueen75 says

    What the hell are you people doing over at GH? Give Sam a good story line and she will nail it. You’ll have dropped the ball on this one. I have been a loooong time watcher since black and white. Not liking the way the show is moving. Alexis needs to STOP sticking up for Kristina all the time she does have more than one daughter. Tell Kristina she is wrong and move one.

  27. MJF says

    Hmm…. it says “ABC has decided to terminate the character”. The question is, did Kelly decide to leave, so THEN they decided to kill Sam off? Or did they decide to get rid of the character, firing Kelly in the process? If SHE made the decision to leave, they could have recast permanently with Lindsay Hartley. She is known to fans and has been mostly accepted by them when she has filled in. Yes, some would never be happy with any recast, but it would be better than killing off a character so connected to so many, and with so many future possibilities.

    1. cdf says

      I doubt it was her choice. The article clearly stated she was blindsided by this!!

  28. Aurora Medeles says

    Need better writers .

  29. […] Things between the two of them became very intense and when Ava tried to grab Kristina’s arm, Kristina recoiled and then tripped. Losing her balance, Kristina crashed through Ava’s window in the Metro Court and fell three stories into the pool below. […]

  30. Julie says

    Sam is one of my favorite. There are many others who could go. I’ve been watching GH since it started it’s turning into a crap show.

  31. Wonderwoman says

    It makes a lot a sense to kill off Sam’s character. It would make way for other romantic relationships to flourish. Like Jason and Elizabeth,Dante and Lulu for instance. I always thought Sam played a better viixen like when she did bad things to Elizabeth and Jason. Interesting to see what happens next.

  32. Becky says

    I am very sad and disappointed of Kelly/Sam departure .I love her and she is a fantastic actress. She deserves a good story. Her stories lately have not been good. She is a strong woman.GH is making a mistake by letting her go. GH Lately has been letting go way too many great actors. The new writers do not seem to be doing very good. I have been watching GH since the day it started and lately the stories have not been very good. Come on GH you can do better.. please don’t let Kelly go,

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