General Hospital Comings And Goings: There’s A New Scout Cain!

General Hospital Comings And Goings: There’s A New Scout Cain!General Hospital comings and goings indicate that there’s a new Scout Cain in Port Charles. The role has been given to a new actress by the name of Ella Ramacieri. She already made her debut during the Monday, July 1st episode and is taking over from twin actresses Palmer and Por Parker. Here’s what you need to know.

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Ella is a 5-year-old Los Angeles-based actress and model who is repped by Paloma Model and Talent. This is her first role on daytime television and from what we can tell already, she’s very excited about it and they opportunity she’s been given.

Sharing several behind the scenes photos from the set of General Hospital, Ella’s parents – who control her social media accounts – wrote to her fans, “I am so happy and excited to announce that I have the opportunity to join the @generalhospitalabc family as #ScoutCain and work and act along the sides of an amazing cast and crew. Thank you for my agents @palomamodelandtalent for believing in me!!! #grateful #blessed#GH55.”

It didn’t take very long for Ella’s fans to respond with comments such as, “Welcome! Hopefully you get to have some scenes with mom and big brother soon!” along with, “Lucky girl being cast as the daughter of the hottest super couple on daytime #JaSam minus Drew congratulations and enjoy the experience.”

Another fan wrote, “Welcome to General Hospital, I loved your scenes today with Billy and Nancy.”

Ella’s account also shared some photos of the cutie in action. There’s one photo of her hanging out with her father Drew Cain (Billy Miller) at his office. A lot of people are hoping that Ella will also get to share screen time with her mother Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) and of course, Jason Morgan (Steve Morgan). There’s a strong possibility that it will happen sooner rather than later!

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Needless to say, fans will simply have to tune in to find out what will happen next! For now, we also want to extend our congratulations to Ella on a job well done! She definitely is a cutie, isn’t she? Star Kids was the first to make the announcement about her role.

 As always, more detailed Spoilers and Breaking news will appear here on Celebrating The Soaps!

AMP in the post

Ella RamacieriGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHScout Cain
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  • Guest

    I was a good idea to age Scout however the episode with Drew was so boring.

  • Guest

    New Scout is adorable but come on guys. Danny is only 7 and Scout is 2 for God sake. How can you age her to 5!!?? The writting is atrocious.

  • Guest

    the writers are getting more and more ridiculous. How can she be 5 and Danny 7? You didn’t age him. Then what about Elizabeth’s kids? You aged Cameron to a teenager yet Aiden and Jake stayed the same. Oh Lord then there’s Spencer who in actuality is supposed to be Jossyln’s age. They are killing this soap. No wonder it’s in the bottom of the ratings. I am so shocked at the stupid S*** they want us to believe.

  • Guest

    the writers are getting more and more ridiculous. how do you age one child and not another. they are wasting Drew no wonder he’s leaving GH.