General Hospital (GH) Spoilers Thursday, October 21: Calming Carly, Facing Spencer, Ned Snaps

Generl Hospital: Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright). General Hospital (GH) spoilers for Thursday, October 21 reveal that Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) calms Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright). Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) faces Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez). Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth) snaps while Austin Gatlin-Holt (Roger Howarth) issues a challenge.

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General Hospital Spoilers   – Calming Carly Corinthos

GH spoilers reveal that Willow reasoned with Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) regarding Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) and Wiley Quartermaine-Corinthos (Kyler and Caleb Ends). On Thursday, Willow will try to calm down Carly, who wants to strip Nina of her grandparents’ rights. However, Willow knows how Nina will react and doesn’t want to make a volatile situation even worse.

GH Spoilers –  Facing Spencer Cassadine

Fans can also expect Thursday’s episode to feature Nikolas, who goes to see his son face-to-face. Nikolas tries to talk calmly with Spencer and hopes they can reach an understanding. However, Spencer’s face in the preview doesn’t indicate that he’ll be receptive. In fact, Spencer looks enraged, so we will have to see if Nikolas can come up with the right words at the right time.

General Hospital Spoilers  – Ned Quartermaine Snaps

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General Hospital spoilers reveal that Ned is worried that Leo Falconeri (Easton Rocket Sweda) might need to get evaluated by a specialist. However, Olivia Quartermaine (Lisa LoCicero) won’t even consider it. In fact, she doesn’t want to talk about the issue at all. Ned has tried to explain his side, but Olivia just keeps lashing out.

On Thursday, Ned finally loses his temper and yells at Olivia. Ned says that he hears her, but he doesn’t agree with her. Olivia stands there staring at Ned with her mouth open, obviously stunned by his tone. Will this couple be able to come to an agreement or will they be ripped apart once again?

GH Spoilers  – For Thursday

Fans can also expect Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) to connect with Spencer. Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West) brings up a new arrangement with Sonny regarding their daughter. Sonny doesn’t look very pleased in the preview clip, but what will he tell Ava once he hears her suggestion?

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Meanwhile, Nina tells Phyllis Caulfield (Joyce Guy) that she knows exactly where she stands. It is also teased that Nina comes up with a new idea while Willow is worried about Michael. Plus, Monica Quartermaine (Leslie Charleson) wants Austin to make peace. However, the doctor says that they can bring it on. Meanwhile, Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) feels vindicated.

Which storyline are you looking forward to the most right now? Which one would you rather not see anymore? What do you predict will happen with your favorite characters? Tell us your thoughts and remember to keep watching the ABC soap to find out what happens next.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.

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  • Guest

    I Want To See MICHAEL &
    WILLOW Get Married &
    Willow Adopt WILEY So
    She Is Tonally Enconsed
    As WILEY'S MOM, So If
    The WRITER'S Feel A Need
    To Bring WACKO NELLE
    Back She Can't Intervene,
    She Shouldn't Have Any
    Say How Or Who MICHAEL
    MARRIES, All They Have
    To Do Is Tell A Judge
    About What She Did To
    The Babies Father In The
    Beginning Of His Life,
    & When WILEY Needed
    The Surgery Early On,
    Trying To Deny MICHAELS
    WISHES On Gettibg His
    Son That Well Needed
    Operation, Out Of Fear.
    NELLE Is Not Mother
    Material. And I Thought
    They Were Saying That
    NINA Had A Son Not A
    Daughter, So Than She
    Has No Grandparents
    Rights To Give Or Take
    Away, NINA Is Just As
    Nutso As NELLE Was,
    Guess It Runs In That
    Gene Pool, MADELYN
    MINA'S MOM Was Crazy
    As A Loon & LEISL OBRECT
    Is Also In That GENE POOL,
    Insane Thoughts & Actions
    Seem To GALLOP In That

  • Christina75

    If the writers decided to bring Nelle back the adoption will be voided. The surgery was also not a life or death situation and Carly took it upon herself to forge Nelles signature so the judge will consider that also.

  • Christina75

    Not like the autism story, what mother would refuse to take her son to a specialist and get him all the help she can. As for Carly and the rest of the corinthos family I can’t wait until they find out Sonny was in love with Nina and didn’t care or want to hear about his life before Nixon Falls.

  • Christina75


  • Guest

    Get rid of Brooke. She is a real conniver. Give maxie back her baby.

  • lbc

    In Olivia's defense, there are many who would not want to face the fact their child may be autistic, but of course writers are taking the situation way further than it has to be. Facing the fact that your child has a medical problem such as autism is hard to bear, just as being apprised your child has cancer. It takes time to sink in and both parents have to be open to get care for the child. Plus in this situation, it has not been diagnosed that Leo is autistic just that there is a need for him to be tested. Olivia's fear is very real and could occur in real life, in my opinion.

  • lbc

    I thought Willow had already adopted Wiley.

  • lbc

    This is GH and if Nelle did return, regardless of Michael/Willow's marriage, etc. there is always a chance that Nelle would win the court case initially to have along drawn out story line of Michael/Willow trying to get him back or having an custody arrangement made with Nelle. Nothing is cut and dry whereby GH stories are concerned.

  • lbc

    Amen, that is the main reason I don't want to see her paired with Chase.

  • Guest

    As a public school elementary teacher for over 30 years I can tell you some parents are resistant to suggestions that their child would be helped by having professional evaluation.
    They’re good parents, but they internalize ‘blame’. Like it’s their fault ‘something is wrong’ with their child. You have to get them out of that mind set.
    If school is going on a guidance counselor from school and the teacher could present evidence that Leo is bright, and sweet but is having some difficulties; with documentation of instances.
    (I don’t see how writers ignore the school aspect. They sure jumped on Willow when Charlotte was having problems.)
    Austin presented it well, children learn in different manners.
    We want to get the best manner so WE can be successful in meeting Leo’s needs.
    Olivia is intelligent, but maybe too much ‘old school Bensonhurst’ is still ingrained in her thinking.
    She also hates Austin, so there’s that.

  • Christina75

    I understand some parents can be resistant to listen to a schools recommendation and blame themselves for a diagnosis. Leo hasn't been diagnosed Austin and his pediatrician suggested getting him evaluated and she won't even consider it.

  • Christina75

    I never said he was diagnosed and I know it can occur in real life after an official diagnosis but she won't even consider it. Denial and guilt usually happens after an official diagnosis. Olivia is wrong imo, Ned has more reason to distrust and dislike Austin and he agrees with him. Leo's pediatrician also suggested an evaluation so it's not just Austin.

  • lbc

    Olivia is definitely wrong in not even considering having Leo diagnosed. Denial can occur before and/or after an autism evaluation depending on the individuals involved.