General Hospital News: Natalia Livingston Wants To Bring Emily Quartermaine Back To Life

Natalia Livingston

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Natalia Livingston was last seen playing the role of Emily Quartermaine on “General Hospital” back in 2013 and 2014 as a ghost. The actress teased that it’ll be exciting if Emily actually returned to the show.

“I think if it was actually somehow Emily returning and maybe she was never really killed… I mean, I’ve seen so many clever, brilliant storyline ideas over the years that people have tweeted or sent so… yeah, I would definitely be open to that. But I’m not so sure about a ghost,” she explained.

Livingston loved her character and admitted that she missed the show and everyone she’s worked with. However, she also revealed that she’s happy where she is right now. She’s no longer living in Los Angeles but in Atlanta, where she said there’s a lot of things going on for her.

General Hospital News – Natalia Livingston’s Career As A Producer

She started a new career path, which involves producing.

“I have my own acting studio and that keeps me really connected to the industry here in Atlanta. And it’s so nice. Rick [Hearst (ex-Ric) and I actually work together; He’s with Actor Boutique as well,” she said.

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She produced the documentary “In Their Shoes,” which earned several awards and is making waves in the film festival circuit. Between that and being a mother to her beautiful daughter, Collette, Livingston is keeping herself busy.

GH News – Natalia Livingston’s Journey as Emily Quartermaine

The American actress debuted as Emily Quartermaine on “General Hospital” back in 2003. She portrayed the role until her alter ego was murdered back in 2007. Her excellent performance landed her a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in 2005. She made guest appearances back in 2008 and then played the role of Rebecca Shaw for almost a year in 2009. In 2013, she joined other “General Hospital” vets and made a special appearance for the sudser’s 50th anniversary back in 2013.

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Will General Hospital Bring Emily Quartermaine Back?

The question now is if the writers of “General Hospital” will find a way to bring Emily back? If they managed to bring back Nikolas Cassidine, now played by Marcus Coloma, then they could possibly come up with a story to bring Emily back. Several viewers will be delighted if that would happen. So stay tuned to General Hosptial, airing weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back right here for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!


Emily QuartermaineGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersNatalia Livingston
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  • Guest

    Rebecca is a memory planted Emily to keep her away from Nicholas. Done

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