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TMZ broke the news and revealed, “The soap star was arrested in Martinsville, Indiana Monday night — on his 47th birthday — and booked for public intoxication. According to Morgan County Jail records … he’s being held on $225 cash and $1,000 bond. As far as we can tell … Tyler hasn’t been released yet.”
The website went on to show Tyler Christoher’s mugshot, and it wasn’t pretty. TMZ added, “Based on his mug shot, Christopher’s changed his look quite a bit since he left his role on another popular soap opera, “Days of Our Lives,” earlier this year … and not for the better.”
Tyler Christopher played the part of Nikolas Cassadine on General Hospital for several years. The character was recently resurrected from the dead, however TPTB at the ABC soap opera opted for a recast, rather than bringing back Tyler. He also played the part of Stefan DiMera on NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives briefly this year, but that role was also recast and taken over by Brandon Barash.
Tyler Christopher, nor his friends and family have spoken out about his arrest yet. It’s unclear if he is still sitting in the slammer in Indiana, or if someone has finally bailed him out. With a bail that low, we really hope that the actor’s release was really just being delayed by paperwork and processing, it seems odd that Tyler and his family couldn’t scrape up the cash to get him out.
As soon as more details are released, we will be sure to pass them on. Do you think that Tyler is struggling, or was this just a one-time occurrance? Let us know in the comments below and check back with Celebrating The Soaps later for more General Hospital news and updates.
He is struggling. His wife filed for divorce in March. They live In Indiana. I find it odd he hasn’t posted bail?