AMP in the post
The ban on filming has been lifted and the cast and crew of the ABC sudser are now back to work doing what they do best. Everyone handles tension and stress, and anger and grief in different ways and Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones) has shared with her fans exactly what it was like for her to come back to her professional home after being kept away.
General Hospital spoilers – Kristen Storms Opens Up About Returning To The Set
On the Saturday after the first week back filming she went on Instagram to spill that she cried as she walked through the doors of the L.A. studio where the show films.
Her pic showed that she is just as gorgeous as we last saw her, and for fans of her and Emme Rylan’s crochet blog, you will be thrilled to know that she was wrapped up in a beautiful red colored crocheted shawl.
AMP in the post
GH Spoilers – Kristen Storms And Emme Rylan Have The Best Crochet Blog On Social Media
Her post started out, “Rocking that #GH hair and makeup like whaaaat?! Couldn’t have been more thrilled to return to work yesterday. Did I cry as I walked down the hallway of the @generalhospitalabc dressing room area? Yes👏🏻I👏🏻did👏🏻. No shame. Really missed my work family these last few months and I feel truly thankful to be back at it with them (in an extremely safe environment. Shout out to @abcnetwork for taking care of us so thoroughly 🥰).”
She added, “Side note: Can we talk about how much I’m in love with my side WIP that I have draped over my shoulders?? Sweater pattern by @mariecastrodiy and it’s almost done 🙌🏼.”
So that explains it, her “shawl” is actually a sweater, a work in progress, and she gives a shout out to the pattern creator if you want to make one like it.
AMP in the post
General Hospital Spoilers – Kristen Storms Is Happy To Be Back At Work
We’re glad that Kirsten shared her emotional reunion with her old stomping grounds. What we are all going through is really rather exceptional and touches on all kinds of feelings and emotions from loss to grief to anger to confusion.
Be sure to tune on August 3 GH fans, that’s when the very first new episode is set to debut!