General Hospital Recap and Spoilers Monday, March 30: Nelle Rooftop Shocker, Mike Lands In The Hospital and Sonny Needs Answers

General Hospital Maurice BenardWelcome to your Monday March 30th General Hospital (GH) recap! We begin our day in the park where Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) is on the phone telling her mom that shes sorry for her behavior. Molly Davi (Haley Pullos) approaches and asks whats wrong?

AMP in the post

At the PC PD, Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) has brought in Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) for questioning about the warehouse explosion. Jason says he won’t answer any questions without his attorney present.

Also at the park, Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth) is walking with his stepson Cameron Webber (William Lipton) asking how hes doing. Cameron wonders if his mom pit him up to asking questions but Franco insists hes just worried.

General Hospital Recap and Spoilers: Trina seeks advice from Ava

At the Jerome Gallery, Ava Jerome (Maura west) is on the pone with a client when Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) enters the room. Ava wonders if shes skipping school again. Trina tells Ava that she is meeting with Cameron and is afraid she messed everything up.  Trina tells Ava that the kiss confused her and she doesn’t know what to do.

General Hospital Recap and Spoilers: Jordan Struggles with the Truth of her History

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In her office, Jordan Ashford (Brianne Nicole Henry) struggles with what to tell the feds about Taggert’s history. Her husband Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) encourages her but she does not want to throw her team under the bus.

Jordan meets with Jason in the interrogation room and they go over her lie that her dead partners were doing illegal activities. They are doing this to get Cyrus released from prison and thus TJ will be freed

General Hospital Recap and Spoilers: Mike is in the hospital with an injury

In his hospital room, Mike Corbin (Max Gail) is lying quietly when his son Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Bernard) enters the room. As Dr Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) looks on, Sonny wonders if he will get any better.

Portia tells Sonny that Mike was not able to get into a wheelchair, he may be faking not walking. Mike gets very angry and distraught when Liz tries to him to radiology.

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General Hospital Recap and Spoilers: Everyone gathers at the hospital for Wiley’s surgery

In the General Hospital (GH) waiting room – Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell), Willow Tate (Katelynn Mcmullen) and Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) wait for Wiley’s surgery to end. Willow wonders what is taking so long as Bobbie Spencer (Jaclyn Zeman) remarks its good hes getting the surgery done.

General Hospital Recap and Spoilers: Cameron and Franco have a heart to heart

Cam tells Franco its not the therapy bothering him but something else – hes upset that he kissed Trina. Franco thought Cam like Josslyn and wonders if this changes their friendship / relationship.

General Hospital Recap and Spoilers: Nelle is furious at Carly

Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) goes to the GH rooftop and sees a blue tarp. She pulls it back and finds a non-responsive Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier). Elizabeth wakes up Nelle and finds shes been trapped on the roof all night, she blames Carly.

Liz rolls Nelle off the elevator as she screams that Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) tried to kill her. Nelle says Carly locked her on the roof after an argument.

General Hospital Recap and Spoilers: Sam is upset with herself

Sam tells Molly that she yelled at their mom Alexis Davis (Nancy Leee Grahn) the night prior and feels bad about it. . Sam asks if she has heard from TJ, Molly says not yet.

Monday Drama

Nelle insists that she never allowed Wiley’s surgery and the consent form was faked.

Portia meets with Curtis and they discuss Taggert’s dangerous work background.

We flashback to Bobbie putting the fake surgery consent form in the paper shredder. ……flash to preview

Ava JeromeGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersValentin Cassadine
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