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‘General Hospital’ Recap February 4: Cody Has Loose Lips, & Everyone Hears Sasha’s Baby Daddy Rumor

'General Hospital' Recap February 4: Cody Has Loose Lips, & Everyone Hears Sasha’s Baby Daddy RumorSo much is happening on General Hospital right now that it is almost impossible to keep up with it all, so here is a recap of today’s episode to help you to keep everything straight!

Today we open with Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) and Jack Brennan (Chris McKenna) on a private flight back from Germany.

They rehash their time in Germany and how, despite not spending the night, they were focused on each other. Jack gets a call and is tipped off to the location of Sidwell’s new home- at Wyndemere.

Once in town, he takes a trip out to Spoon Island to see it for himself. He decides not to go inside yet. (Make sure to check out our weekly GH spoilers, here!)

'General Hospital' Recap February 4: Cody Has Loose Lips, & Everyone Hears Sasha’s Baby Daddy Rumor

Anna Worries That Joss Will Ruin Her Investigation

Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) arrives for a chat with Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) and she tells her that it’s about Dex Heller (Evan Hofer), but not in the way that she’s hoping for.

She tells Joss that Dex was injected with Digitalis which caused a heart attack. Joss asks if Anna has spoken up about Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) and she says that she doesn’t have proof enough to do so.

She tells Joss that Cyrus has been banned from General Hospital, and Joss shares with Anna that she has volunteered to help at Turning Woods, where Cyrus also helps out.

READ MORE: Find out what happened on the last GH. 

She reminds Anna that she can do as she pleases because she isn’t Anna’s employee. The commissioner is worried that Joss will ruin her investigation.

'General Hospital' Recap February 4: Cody Has Loose Lips, & Everyone Hears Sasha’s Baby Daddy Rumor

Drew Sneaks A Visit With Willow And Carly Knows

Despite being banned from the Quaretermaine estate, Drew Quartermaine (Cameron Mathison) sneaks into the gatehouse to visit Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen).

They discuss the awkwardness of her being back on the property. Willow wants to make things work for the kid’s sake so that they have access to all of their family.

Drew leaves and Carly visits Willow. She brings toys from Germany for Amelia and Wylie and tells Willow that Michael said to tell her thank you.

Willow offers Carly a cup of tea and as she goes to the kitchen to make it, Carly finds Drew’s tie on the couch. Carly leaves before Willow returns with the tea. She then calls the clinic in Germany and asks them to tell Michael that his kids love him.

Cody Keeps Spreading The Rumor About Sasha

Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) brings Selina Wu (Lydia Look) $10k and promises to have another $5k in a month. She offers him a way to get out of his debt by taking part in another poker game.

He says he’ll think about it and leaves. Drew introduces himself to Selina and they discuss Aurora. He wonders if she was Curtis Ashford’s (Donnell Turner) silent partner at The Savoy and if she’s willing to give up any dirt.

She is sure she can dig something up if the terms are mutually beneficial.

As they are talking, Cody barges back in saying that he isn’t interested in Selina’s earlier offer. He sees Drew and happily concludes that the Congressman is exactly who he thought he was.

Drew says they are having a real business meeting and Cody can’t help but shoot off his mouth. He talks about the Congressman sleeping with Willow and Jason getting Sasha pregnant.

MUST READ: General Hospital Spoilers: Josslyn’s Daring Rescue, Catches Cyrus Red-Handed With A Syringe!

'General Hospital' Recap February 4: Cody Has Loose Lips, & Everyone Hears Sasha’s Baby Daddy Rumor

General Hospital Recap: Lucky And Liz Are Getting Closer

Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson) and Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) discuss him talking Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) out of killing Jenz Sidwel (Carlo Rota)l.

Lucky also tells Liz about how he played cards with Sidwell to stay alive. He explains how sleep deprivation affected his playing and enhanced his fear. Lucky believed that his dad and Liz helped him survive.

Lucky tells Liz about seeing her in a vision while injured and being held captive. He thought he was at the end of his life and then she paid him a visit.

He says that the vision told him to get up off the floor and fight. He explains that he has carried her with him no matter where he has been in the world.

Lucky tells her that he doesn’t need for her to be an angel, he just needs her to be her. The exes share a dance and are clearly on a path to reuniting.

Everyone Is At The Metro Court

Isaiah Gannon (Sawandi Wilson) spots Sidwell sharing a drink with Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) at the Metro Court and confronts him.

He asks Sidwell if he is back to kill him for real this time. They trade barbs in front of Jordan and she tells Isaiah that he is interrupting their conversation as Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) steps in to try and break things up.

Isaiah tells Lucy that Sidwell’s money is blood money, and he leaves. Jordan asks Sidwell point blank what the issue is between him and Gannon. The importer claims that Gannon was his personal physician and didn’t like his working conditions.

Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) is getting ready for a Deception meeting and Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) is the first to arrive.

Lulu Spencer (Alexa Havins) shows up next and Tracy scolds her for being late. Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and Lucy arrive and the meeting gets underway.

'General Hospital' Recap February 4: Cody Has Loose Lips, & Everyone Hears Sasha’s Baby Daddy Rumor

Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) and Sasha Corbin (Sofia Mattsson) are having dessert at a nearby table when talk of the baby comes up.

Felicia asks Sasha if she can get the father of her child’s medical records so she has his history, and Sasha looks mortified. She then tells her that she can certainly get that information.

Anna agrees to meet Drew at the Metro Court and once there he says that abolishing organized crime from Port Charles will be one of his top priorities, starting with Jason and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Bernard).

Before Anna can react, Carly enters and informs Drew that she has the tie that he left at Michael’s house after having sex with Willow, and she says it loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear.

Carly bought that tie for him and she wants everyone there, Tracy, Sasha, Brook Lynn, Maxie, and Anna to know how pathetic he is.

She says she is glad that Jason beat him up because he is a better man than Drew. Drew tells everyone that the joke is on her because Jason knocked up Sasha and the restaurant gasps collectively and then stares at Sasha.

What do you think that Sasha’s reaction is going to be? Make sure you check back here tomorrow for another General Hospital recap.

Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Remember to keep watching the soap on ABC to find out what happens next.

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