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‘General Hospital’ Recap: Friday, January 17th Decisions, A Truce, and Someone Ends Up In Handcuffs

Don't miss a moment of the drama on today's General Hospital!

'General Hospital' Recap: Friday, January 17th Decisions, A Truce, and Someone Ends Up In HandcuffsIn today’s General Hospital episode begins with Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) leaving a voicemail for her husband telling him that her doctor’s appointment went well and that they are now waiting for test results.

She tells Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) that her doctor said that she just needs to relax about trying to get pregnant and she suggests a special trip to New York City for some quality time. (Make sure to check out our weekly GH spoilers, here!)

General Hospital Recap Highlights

After she hangs up the phone, Lulu Spencer (Alexa Havins) appears in her office doorway. She explains that she is meeting Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and will wait in the next room.

Brook Lynn quickly discovers that Lulu is applying for a vacant job at Deception. The two trade insults as usual and Brooklynn leaves as Maxie arrives to interview the job candidates, including Lulu.

Lulu explains that her miraculous recovery doesn’t equal money so she needs a job. Maxiesees an issue because the position that is open is for Brook Lynn’s assistant and the two clearly don’t get along.

General Hospital – Tracy Is Standing Firm –

Chase storms in to confront Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) over refusing to give Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen) back her kids.

She tells him point blank to, “butt out.” He explains that he knows both Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Willow and that he knows for a fact that her interference is causing much more harm than she realizes. He insists the kids need their mom.

Tracy takes serious issue with Drew Quartermaine’s (Cameron Mathison) carelessness as a Congressman, and Willow’s appearing to not put her children ahead of Drew.

READ MORE: Find out what happened yesterday on GH.

Tracy worries about Michael seeing photos of Wylie at Drew’s Inauguration and Chase counters with the fact that Michael is a grown man. The children still need their mother. Chase tells her that it’s not up to her where the children belong.

Brook Lynn returns home and is brought up to date on the fight between Tracy and Chase. Brook Lynn tells Tracy that she believes that Monica Quartermaine (Leslie Charleson) would say to return the children to Willow.

As it turns out, Martin Grey (Michael E. Knight) has secured a court order to remove the children with Drew’s help, and when he serves it Tracy refuses to comply. She ends up in handcuffs and under arrest.

'General Hospital' Recap: Friday, January 17th Decisions, A Truce, and Someone Ends Up In Handcuffs

General Hospital – Ric Watches Ava Work –

Lucas Jones (Van Hansis) visits Ava Jerome (Maura West) at the gallery to show her a video of Avery’s dance recital. They start to talk about the fire at Sonny Corinthos’ (Maurice Bernard), and how glad Ava is that her daughter wasn’t there. Ava keeps digging for information but isn’t getting very far. Lucas tries to reassure her that Avery is safe.

Ava calls Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst) and insists that he petition the court to get Avery back. He says that this isn’t the moment to try and get her daughter back.

It seems to come down to money in the end because Ric asks point-blank why Ava hasn’t paid him yet. She says that she is working to get the funds.

As the two are talking Jenz Sidwell (Carlo Rota) arrives and introduces himself. He tells her that he is an importer, new to Port Charles, with a whole house to decorate.

Ava quickly realizes that the house is actually Wyndemere. Ric watches as Ava schmoozes Jenz into buying several pieces. She has also scored an invite to Wyndemere.

'General Hospital' Recap: Friday, January 17th Decisions, A Truce, and Someone Ends Up In Handcuffs

General Hospital – Money Changes Everything –

Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) comes face to face with Drew Quartermaine (Cameron Mathison) at the Metro Court, and he is still reeling from losing all of his money. Drew thinks that Cody must be disappointed because he has nothing left to blackmail him over since his affair with Willow is now public.

Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) sees things getting heated and intervenes. She convinces Cody to leave. Jordan lays into Drew about absolutely everything, including how badly he is treating everyone around him, including Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner).

MUST READ: General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus’ End Game – 3 Shocking Exit Storylines As Villian Gets Exposed

'General Hospital' Recap: Friday, January 17th Decisions, A Truce, and Someone Ends Up In Handcuffs

General Hospital – Willow Initiates A Truce –

Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) arrives at General Hospital to talk to Willow. Sonny arrives seconds later and Willow says that she is hoping that there is a way for them to move forward.

Carly and Sonny explain that they have gone to Tracy to try and get Wylie and Amelia back and that she is refusing to let them go. They insist that they will figure it out because Tracy has no legal grounds to keep Willow’s children.

Willow says that Michael would want to be with his parents so she will no longer stand in the way of that. Carly and Sonny both thank Willow as Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) interrupts to say that the next steps in Michael’s care need to be discussed.

All three listen as she says that a bed has opened up at Johns Hopkins Hospital, one of the best facilities in the country. Carly says that she may have a better option.

Carly tells them about the groundbreaking procedure used to remove scar tissue at the Boronsky Clinic in Russia. One of the doctors has relocated to a clinic in Germany and Jack Brennan (Charles Mesure) has secured a bed for Michael. Both Portia and Willow look confused, and Sonny asks to speak to Carly privately.

Sonny is unsure about sending Michael that far away. Carly pleads with him to trust her on this. Willow also isn’t comfortable sending Michael that far away from the family. Sonny believes that Michael should be woken up to decide for himself, despite the immense pain, and both Willow and Carly agree.

They all agree that Carly should be the one to talk to Michael, who is in extreme pain. The episode ends with her in his room telling him that he needs to choose the next medical move.

Check back for more General Hospital recaps, news, and spoilers.

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