General Hospital Recap Friday, May 22: Luke Spencer’s Horrific Past – Flashback Friday

General Hospital Luke Spencer, Anthony GearyWelcome to your Friday May 22nd General Hospital recap – we begin our day outside Luke Spencer’s (Anthony Geary) childhood home where he is looking in the window. He finds a key in his jacket and enters the house which is dirty and abandoned.

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At General Hospital (GH) Bobbie Spencer (Jaclyn Zeman) tells her ill sister Patricia Spencer (Dee Wallace) that Luke will be okay. Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) and Lulu Spencer (Emme Rylan) rush into the room frantically looking for Luke. Bobbie says that its time Patricia tells them what happened in that house.

Luke looks around his abandoned childhood home and suddenly transported to the past. He sees himself as a scraggly teen as his mom (played by Carly / Laura Wright) calls out to him. She says he needs to be ready for dinner before “dad” comes home.

Luke Spencer reminisces about his childhood on General Hospital

Lukes mom calls out for his sisters to come down for dinner – Patricia (played by Chloe Lanier) comes down first. Her mother is horrified to see shes wearing pants and tells her to go upstairs and put on a dress. Everyone calls out for Bobbie who is playing hide and seek as their dad (played by Tony Geary) angrily comes home.

General Hospital Recap: Lulu, Bobbie and Tracy want Patricia to tell the truth

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In present day at General Hospital (GH), Lulu begs her aunt Patricia to tell them the secret, its what caused Luke to snap. Patricia says the most horrific thing to happen to her and Luke occurred 52 years ago that very day.

Luke and his mother deal with his very angry father – Soap Opera Updates

At the dinner table, Luke’s dad pours a stiff drink while they eat dinner while spewing off racist things. Patricia tries to defend immigrants and calls him a jack ass as he spews on. Lukes dad tells his mom that her cooking sucks and the roast is overcooked.

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Patricia recalls standing up to their daddy

At GH Patricia recalls defending Luke and being slapped by their dad. Bobbie says she remembers daddy hitting all of them at different times. In the past, Lukes mom (Laura Wright) tries to defend her as Lukes dad gets angrier and angrier. Bobbie recalls mamas appendix bursting from a beating but Patricia says that’s not what happened.

Luke stays behind while Patricia takes mama to GH

Lukes dad yells that no one is going to the hospital as Patricia insists. Luke stays behind to watch out for Bobbie as they head to GH. Dr Phil Brewer (played by Ryan Carnes) tends to Carly as she insists she is okay but then collapses.

The doctor and nurse (played by Liz / Rebecca Herbst) tell Patricia that her mama has passed from brain swelling.

GH Recap & Spoilers: Luke’s mom passes away

Lukes dad takes a phone call and tells Luke that his mama has passed away. Luke tells Bobbie that her mama will be home soon, which is a lie. Patricia comes home with a friend Bill Eckert and finds their daddy dead on the floor.

Luke recalls killing his father and accidentally killing his mother

Luke remembers grabbing a baseball bat – but cant recall killing his dad. Suddenly Tracy, Patricia and Bobbie arrive at the house. Luke says his dad took his arm as he was dying and told him a secret.

General Hospital Updates: Flashback Friday!

Luke suddenly remembers that during the initial fight with his dad – he knocked his mother over which caused her brain hemorrhage. He collapses in tears at the horrible realization……. flash to Preview

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  • Cheri Kugler

    HELL YES I miss Anthony Geary on GH!!! Luke is the best character on the show & it’s boring w/o him!!! To bad he retired & moved to Amsterdam!! Miss the days with Luke/Laura, Frisco/Felicia, Sean/Tiffany, Robert/Anna, Robert /Holly, Noah Drake/Bobbie, Stone/Robin, Patrick/Robin, Lucky/Liz, Alan/Monica, Brenda, Blackie Parrish, Casey the Alien!!! Those were the exciting, good old days!!! Remember any of those?