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‘General Hospital’ Recap March 24: Nina And Portia Alliance, Valentin Leaves PC, Jason Threatens To Kill Jack

'General Hospital' Recap March 24: Nina And Portia Alliance, Valentin Leaves PC, Jason Threatens To Kill JackWhat a busy Monday in Port Charles! If you missed General Hospital then you’re in luck because here’s a recap!

Lucas Jones (Van Hansis) stops Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) and says that he needs her help because Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) has been blackmailing someone at the hospital.

He fills her in on his trip to Miami and how while there he found out that Brad was blackmailing co-chief-of-staff Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr). (Make sure to check out our weekly GH spoilers, here!)

Lucas and Liz discuss what their next move should be and how they can go about getting more information. Liz remembers that Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst) was recently with Portia in an official capacity, something that makes them both realize that maybe they don’t really want to know all of the details after all.

'General Hospital' Recap March 24: Nina And Portia Alliance, Valentin Leaves PC, Jason Threatens To Kill Jack

Drew Thinks That Nina Still Wants Him

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has just broken into Drew Quartermaine’s (Cameron Mathison) safe in his home when she hears footsteps coming.

She closes it up again and runs from the room. As she is trying to get out the front door Drew asks her if she remembered to lock the safe.

He also promises her that there is nothing in his safe that she could ever use against him to get her daughter, Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen), to turn on him.

READ MORE: Find out what happened on the last episode of GH

The two trade insults and then Drew tells Nina that he knows what her real problem is- she still wants him, and can’t stand the fact that he has chosen her daughter instead.

Nina looks both disgusted and amused as she once again tells Drew that she is afraid Willow will lose custody of her kids if she moves in with him.

Willow walks in as the two are arguing and she scolds Nina for going behind her back. Nina again addresses her valid concerns before leaving.

After she is gone Willow asks Drew if there is any chance that Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) could be awarded custody if she moves in and of course, Drew tells her that he’ll never let it happen.

'General Hospital' Recap March 24: Nina And Portia Alliance, Valentin Leaves PC, Jason Threatens To Kill Jack

Ava Brings Nina And Portia Together For A Common Goal

Portia is discussing the press conference with Ava Jerome (Maura West) and how glad she is that it has gotten Drew off her back for a moment.

She then shows Ava Drew’s patient chart and insinuates that there might be something in it that she can use against him.

Ava tells her not to do whatever she is contemplating because it’ll inevitably get her in more trouble than she’s already in.

Instead, Ava tells Portia that she needs an ally, someone who also needs to get Drew out of the way. A little while later Nina arrives at Portia’s office and Ava leaves them alone to compare notes.

The ladies realize that they are both equally serious about handling Drew and they make a pact to work together.

'General Hospital' Recap March 24: Nina And Portia Alliance, Valentin Leaves PC, Jason Threatens To Kill Jack

Josslyn Has Her Buttons Pushed By Jack

Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) is hooked up to a lie detector test by Vaughn, and she’s being asked about how she feels about the bombing at Sonny Corinthos’ (Maurice Bernard) penthouse and what she would do if she were face to face with the person responsible for it. Her reading becomes unsteady when she sees Jack Brennan (Chris McKenna) appear.

He eventually comes to talk to Joss and tells her that her mother has been hospitalized. He shows her the live feed from Carly Spencer’s (Laura Wright) room, which proves that she is recovering.

Joss asks what happened and Jack tells her the truth, and that she can leave to go see her mom, but if she does she can’t return.

Joss wants to know if Brennan cares about her mother or if he is just using her, and he refuses to answer her. She then reminds him that Carly isn’t stupid so if he is using her she’ll figure it out fast.

She then begins more physical training with Vaughn, who punches her in the face and knocks her down.

Lulu And Alexis Share A Moment Before Valentin Is Taken Away

Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) is in an interrogation room with Valentine Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart), asking what kind of help he needs from her if it’s not legal.

He tells her that he wants her to take care of his daughter. She is in charge of the Cassadine estate, he was the one that made sure of that.

He asks her to carve out a little piece for Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) to make sure that she is okay in his absence.

Alexis tells him that it is her job to keep the estate intact for Ace and that she’s not distributing funds to anyone. She does reassure him that Charlotte will have everything that she needs because he brought her home to the family.

Charlotte) has just arrived at PCPD and she corners Anna Devane (Finola Hughes), in the hallway telling her that she wants to talk to her father.

MUST READ: General Hospital Spoilers: Drew Disappoints — And Pushes Willow Into An Affair With Someone Else!

Anna sends her to her office and Lulu Spencer (Alexa Havins) arrives a few minutes later. Lulu wants to bring Charlotte home and Anna tries to convince her to let Charlotte see Valentin before he is transported out.

As Lulu is contemplating it she comes face to face with Alexis for the first time since Sam’s death. A tearful Lulu admits that she had been afraid to face Alexis because the organ donation that saved her life, cost Sam hers.

She said that she was afraid of how Alexis would react if she saw her and apologized for her loss. Alexis simply scooped Lulu up and hugged her.

Charlotte appears as the women are hugging and asks if she can see her papa. Lulu hesitates and Alexis reminds her that not everyone is lucky enough to say goodbye, leading Lulu to allow Charlotte to see Valentin.

He grabs her and tells her how much he loves her as Jack appears and tells him that it’s time to go. Valentin gets ready for transport, then hugs Charlotte once more before being led away.

'General Hospital' Recap March 24: Nina And Portia Alliance, Valentin Leaves PC, Jason Threatens To Kill Jack

Jason Promises To Kill Jack If Carly Dies

Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) is at Carly’s hospital bedside demanding that she stay away from Jack. She tells him that he isn’t supposed to give orders and Jason tells her that he tries not to, but this time she nearly died.

He reminds her that she knows absolutely nothing about Jack’s world and that the WSB is far more dangerous than anything else she has ever dealt with.

She keeps reminding him that it is her choice to make and Jason thinks she’s not taking things seriously enough. Her children need a mother and that should come first.

Jason also shares that the explosives used to firebomb Sonny Corinthos’ (Maurice Bernard) were WSB grade, meaning Jack could be responsible.

Jason gets nowhere with Carly and before leaving he makes her a promise that whatever happens to her will happen to Jack. If she gets hurt, so will he, and if she dies then Jason promises that he will kill Jack.

Check back here for more General Hospital recaps and spoilers.

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  1. […] Sasha from the Quartermaine vultures and their endless prying, Jason has stepped up, claiming the title of father. Trouble is, if Michael comes home to find Jason raising his flesh and blood, that Corinthos temper is likely to blow […]

  2. […] After months of doing the dance, Carly finally had sex with Jack Brennan (Chris McKenna), and not even an hour later she drank poisoned champagne intended for him. […]

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