General Hospital Recap & Spoilers Friday, May 29: Nurse’s Ball 2015 – Liz Almost Drops a Bombshell – Spencer Visited by a Ghost

general hospital courtney matthews ghostWelcome to your Friday May 29th General Hospital recap – we begin our day at the Nurses Ball where Patrick Drake (Jason Thompson) and his daughter Emma Drake (Brooklyn Silzer) are singing a duet on guitars. Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) looks on lovingly but also confused from the Rick surprise.

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Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) thanks them for the performance as Elizabeth runs up on stage and grabs the microphone – she says that she has news about Jason.

At Wyndemere Castle, Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Brechtel) looks up and its his dead mother Courtney Matthews (Alicia Leigh Willis). Spencer is shocked and says this cannot be real because she is dead. Courtney sits down and says they have been connected since his birth and he needs her now.

Elizabeth almost makes a shocking announcement about Jason

On the stage, Elizabeth says she has news about Jason as Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Jake (Billy Miller) look on confused. Liz flashes back to all her romance with Jake and decides to not tell the truth. She instead tells a story about Jason and Robin and when she first told everyone she was HIV positive.

Liz says he is dead now and she misses him as she runs off the stage. Liz collapses on the floor as Nikolas Cassadine (Tyler Christopher) consoles her. Liz says she knew if she told the truth Jake would run to Carly, Sonny, Sam and everyone but her.

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Liz tells Nikolas that shes going to what she needs to do to hold onto Jason – even if it means lying.

Courtney visits her son Spencer – General Hospital Recap

Spencer tells his mom she died the day she gave birth to him and she says love trumps time. He thinks shes disappointed in him and she says what he did was dangerous and he should not call people names.

Courtney says she didn’t come from money so its not nice to call people a “townie.” Courtney convinces Spencer to remove his bandages and he realizes his scar is not so bad.

General Hospital Spoilers & Recap – Carly is upset about Jason

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Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) holds back tears as she runs into her son Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell). He comforts her as she says she was so jealous of Robin and Jason.

Carly runs into Sabrina Santago (Teresa Castillo) and apologizes for rushing to judgement about her.

The Nurses ball continues on General Hospital

The next act comes out and its Eddie Mane aka Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) singing Crazy Little thing called love. Eddie grabs Olivia Falconeri (Lisa Locicero) and they dance on the stage.

Duke Lavery puts a plan in motion

Duke Lavery (Ian Buchanan) takes Shawn Butler to the side as they try to figure out how to deal with Julian Jerome (William DeVry).

Nathan and Ellie continue to play pretend

Nathan West (Ryan Paevey) spots Maxie and Spinnelli and tells Ellie to laugh and grab him. Spinelli teips on a chair as Maxie looks at them shocked.

General Hospital Spoilers: Nurses Ball Excitement!

Spinnelli sings “It Might Be you” by Stephen Bishop as he looks at Ellie and Maxie glances at Nathan. Duke gets a phone call confirming they are “taking out” Jordan Ashford tonight.

The last performance comes on as Epiphany and Sabrina sing “Your not alone anymore” …….. flash to Preview

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