AMP in the post
General Hospital viewers will recall that Anna and her twin Alex were Patients One and Two in Dr. Arthur Cabot’s (Time Winters) first memory transfer studies on sets of twins.
Several months ago, Anna went on a trip looking for Alex, who had escaped WSB custody and was a fugitive on the run. She wanted to compare notes with her and figure out whose memories were whose.
General Hospital Spoilers – Anna Devane Will At Least Have Peace Of Mind
Anna was particularly concerned that she actually had slept with Cesar Faison (Anders Hove) more than 30 years ago and had conceived Peter/ However, since she had started forming a mother-son relationship with Peter, she may have difficulty deciding whether to share the news or just keep it to herself.
General Hospital viewers know that even if Anna chooses not to share her findings with Peter, or her daughter Robin Scorpio-Drake (Kimberly McCullough), at least she will have peace of mind. Peter would still be her nephew, after all, and he would not relish the thought of Alex, a sometimes DVX operative being his aunt.
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With what we know now about Peter’s past working with Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) he may have even been aware of Alex. Like his mentor Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) however, even though a good woman’s love may have changed him and motivates him, he’s still got that dark side inside that he would rather not have revealed. Finding out that evil Alex is his mother at this point may only make things worse!
General Hospital Spoilers – Valentin Cassadine Also Confused By Alex Marick
Valentin himself was confused by Alex in the past and when Peter was born, thought it was Anna he’d followed from WSB spy school, but even back then, it could have been Alex impersonating her twin. Longtime General Hospital fans who also watched “All My Children” will recall that Alex had been brainwashed to believe she was Anna and to impersonate her; and even to assassinate her!
However, now that we know about the memory transfer procedures, the “brainwashing” was likely due to the memory transfer trials performed by Cabot. Alex, at that time would not even have been aware that she had a twin, let alone that she was impersonating her so she cannot be totally blamed.
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Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) would jump at the chance to tell “Heinrik” that his mother is Alex. So Anna will probably not tell him because she doesn’t want Peter hurt. Of course, Anna doesn’t know anything about the actions that Peter has been forced into more recently by the late Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin). And Peter is praying that she, and no one else will find out!
Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
I am still hoping that Anna is Peter’s mother. However they have gone to all the trouble of destroying Peter’s redemption that it would not surprise me. After all that way Anna will not feel so sad not to be his mother and Robert can get to be right that Peter is not worthy of Anna’s love. I think it would be far more dramatic if Anna was Peter’s mother and she had to decide what she wanted to do now that they have taken Peter down this senseless dark path. I want Anna and Peter to continue to bond as mother and son but I guess I will have to settle with aunt and nephew.
Yes Anna should be his mother and Robert his father
Maxie and Peter should stay together Maxie can help Peter they truly love each other
What are the two you even talking about? Peter is (and it has been known since the uproar following Anna supposedly having had consensual sex with Faison) Alex and Faison’s son. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you knew Anna’s character whatsoever, you’d know she would not, in a trillion years, ever sleep with Faison under any circumstances. The only real issue here is that Peter isn’t nearly as dark and brooding as he should be considering what a wonderful legacy – the utmost soapy-delicious villain – his father left. I hope Peter becomes absolutely infatuated with Maxie and continues in his father’s footsteps torturing the Scorpios, et. al.
I do not agree with the idea of making Peter into his father at all. The reason that Anna slept with Faison if they are so determined to keep Faison Peter’s father is because she was on a mission nothing more. She was not the super spy during that time. However if they can make keep Anna his mother if he has a different father far easier. I want his father to be Robert or Valentin. I have no desire to see Peter hurt, stalk, torment, and be obsessed with Maxie. They have real relationship. Faison had an obsession with Anna but they were never a couple except for the one night stand of sorts. The only Scorpio that Peter could go after long term would be Robin at this point. Robert and Mac are not as young as they were and not only that it would lack the impact that it did with Faison. The reason that Robert, Anna, and Faison worked was that it was a love triangle of sorts with Robert and Faison trying to get Anna. Peter against Robert and Mac would not make any sense at all unless Peter was Anna’s son with Faison. If he was just Alex’s son then there would not be any conflict at all. However if Peter was Robert’s son then that would open up a who new type of conflict considering they have taken Peter down this dark path.
Do not like making Peter bad at all. Bad, lazy writing…