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General Hospital Spoilers – Hayden Came From Beechers Corners
General Hospital viewers will recall that Hayden first came to town looking for her husband, which she believed was Jake Doe (Billy Miller) when news reached her in Beecher’s Corners of his attempted bombing of the Haunted Star and that he was amnesiac from a severe automobile accident.
It was only later revealed that Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst) had found her through the internet and hired her to get “Jake Doe” away from Elizabeth Webber, (Rebecca Herbst) who he wanted to reconcile with and have to himself.
General Hospital Spoilers – Hayden Popped Up Penniless And On The Run
It was also later revealed that Hayden was penniless and looking for any kind of income when she landed in Beecher’s Corners, having been on the run for quite some time under the pseudonym “Hayden Barnes’ when she was actually Rachel Berlin, daughter of imprisoned financier Raymond Berlin (Robert Curtis Brown) who had bilked people out of money through Ponzi schemes, and Naomi Drefyus (Robin Riker) and further revealed as Elizabeth’s half-sister through Jeff Webber (Richard Dean Anderson) who had an affair with Naomi, producing Rachel, also known as Hayden.
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General Hospital Spoilers – Beechers Corners Cult Start Years Before
As revealed over the last few months, Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) had actually been in the Port Charles area for much longer than anyone knew, having started the Beecher’s Corners Dawn of Day possibly several years before the one in Port Charles.
General Hospital viewers will recall when Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) told about her life with her parents going from commune to commune and from guru to guru, her mother Lorraine Miller (Inga Cadranel) finally settling into the Beecher’s Corners Dawn of Day. With Willow being at least in her mid-twenties as an elementary school teacher, that would place the Beecher’s Corners location of Dawn of Day as being in existence when Hayden first came to Beecher’s Corners.
General Hospital Spoilers – Hayden Would Have Been The Perfect Target
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General Hospital viewers have to admit that Hayden would have been Shiloh’s perfect target during that time; coming from money, although at the time broke; and needing a place to stay and be fed until she could get on her feet!
Hayden could have really made herself an asset to Shiloh with her being as skilled of a con artist as he is! Even though Hayden didn’t seem to be a full- fledged disciple, she could have helped by training Harmony in setting up the off-shore accounts and in moving the money around as Shiloh needed to keep from being caught through a financial paper trail much sooner!
Will it be revealed in future General Hospital episodes that Shiloh and Hayden had a long-ago connection when she first landed in Beecher’s Corners?
As always, more detailed Spoilers and Breaking news will appear here on Celebrating The Soaps!
NOOOOOO!! Please, why does everyone in PC have to be tied to that slime bag??
Hayden is not the type to fall for the lies of Shiloh or any other like him. She may have run a few cons but that’s totally different from Shiloh’s garbage-that character needs to go and sooner than later!!
Hell no, Hayden is too smart to be in a cult. There’s no way she would fall for all the cult bs. She came on GH as a con and redeemed herself by falling for Nicholas and then Finn. Hayden is a beautiful, feisty and smart woman who showed everyone she had a heart.
Please no.
The Hayden character in my opinion is one that has showed regret for her actions and was due redemption. Shiloh just needs to be dead and gone.
I do not want Hayden to be involved in DoD.I just want her to tell Finn about their child.
I hope not so tired of that storyline move on.
PLEASE STOP!! Stop looking for ways to keep this storyline going. You have writers. Start concentrating on the other characters. Be creative and build them up. If they are good let them do their job. This man is a trolling maniac. We are sick of the Dawn Of Day crap. Get rid of him and his dumb followers for good. Let’s move forward. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t care about DoD or Hayden I want DoD gone Hayden gone and Anna back with Finn .
I just prove my point how stupid the writers are how come they have him married Ava when he’s still married to Hayden that’s how stupid these are they stupid they don’t even know what they written in the first place they know nava married ain’t real if he already married yet that’s still prove my point how stupid the writers are how do they explain that that i want to see writers how do you explain that mess you got yourself on this mess I’m sure you can get yourself out