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General Hospital Spoilers – Anna Tells Finn That Cassandra And The Unknown Man Were Spotted On Surveillance Video
Anna tells Finn on the phone that Cassandra had been spotted in Northern Italy with a man, although the surveillance video didn’t reveal many details and the video was likely grainy. General Hospital viewers will recall that Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) had sought Finn out at GH in Tuesday, July 23rd’s episode, needing to talk to Anna about Cassandra, and now Anna has called Finn back with the intel she heard about Cassandra and the unknown man.
General Hospital Spoilers – Finn Goes To Spoon Island To Give Valentin The Intel
Finn heads out to Spoon Island to give Valentin the intel he heard from Anna about Cassandra being spotted. He manages to crash the dinner party Valentin and Nina are having with Jasper Jacks (Ingo Rademacher) and Hayden Barnes (Rebecca Budig), which may be a little awkward for Finn and Hayden, but Valentin wanted intel, and Finn got it for him!
Hearing that Cassandra has been spotted alive will put Valentin into fight mode to protect Nina, especially knowing that Jax has a file on Cassandra, and wanting to protect Nina, who had injected Cassandra with the drug that caused her coma in self-defense but was afraid to go to the police about so Valentin covered it up. However, Finn brought her out of the coma so things could be considered even where that is concerned. Valentin’s interest was in Cassandra, so Finn may or may not tell him about the unknown man.
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General Hospital Spoilers – Hayden Was In Rome Last Year When Finn And Anna Went After Obrecht
Hayden was married to Nikolas at the time of his presumed death, and she was in Rome last year when Finn and Anna went after Liesel Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) for the kidnapping and torture of Peter August (Wes Ramsey) to bring her back to Port Charles from Cuba, where she had fled to escape justice.
Finn had gotten a letter from Hayden wanting him to come to Rome to meet her in care of Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner); Finn chose to go with Anna to Cuba instead. Could she have been harboring Nikolas at the time, who had tried to fake his death before? General Hospital viewers will recall that Valentin has hinted that Nikolas may not be dead several times over the last few years!
General Hospital Spoilers – Cassandra Was Last Seen In A Car, Having Been Intercepted On The Way To A WSB Medical Facility
General Hospital viewers will recall that the last time Cassandra was seen, she was in a car, having been intercepted on the way back from the Canadian clinic where Finn had brought her out of the coma, and a male hand bearing a ring with a Cassadine family crest was on her knee!
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General Hospital Recap Tuesday, July 30: Ava Blasts Ryan – Liesl Accuses Valentin Of Trying To Kill Her @SoapOperaSpy #gh #Generalhospital
— SOS/CTS/HH (@SoapOperaSpy) July 31, 2019
Much speculation has gone on about whose it may be, from Victor Cassadine (Thaao Penghlis), who had been a former head of the WSB but presumed dead himself, to Stefan Cassadine (Stephen Nichols), also presumed dead. Both actors are busy with reprising other characters they played on the NBC soap “Days of Our Lives” so unless there are recasts, those Cassadines are unlikely to be the culprit. With the unknown male having been spotted with Cassandra in Northern Italy and Nikolas’ most recent wife, Hayden, having been living in Rome, it makes the most sense to assume that Nikolas is the unknown male with her in the surveillance video and also in the car!
Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
Yes, for Spencer! If Shiloh does something to give Drew’s memories to Jason I’m done with GH.