General Hospital Rumors: Nikolas and Brook Lynn – Have They Been Seeing Each Other This Whole Time?

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General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that there may be more to Brook Lynn Ashton’s (Amanda Setton) return than just visiting her family. And although Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) and the other Quartermaine’s are undoubtedly excited about Brooklyn’s return, the timing of it all suggests that there may more to her return that just that. Perhaps Brooklyn is back because another Port Charles resident is also back after a long absence.

General Hospital Spoilers – Nikolas Cassadine and Brook Lynn Ashton

Brook Lynn and Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) were involved the last time they were both in Port Charles. Things ended amicably, with Nikolas encouraging Brook Lynn to pursue her singing career. But that was before Nikolas was injured and almost died following an encounter with Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart). Nikolas was gravely injured, so perhaps he reached out to Brook Lynn for help. She would have to keep the fact that Nikolas was alive a secret, but she wasn’t in Port Charles at the time, so it wouldn’t be hard for her to not tell anyone.

GH Spoilers – Nursing Nikolas Cassadine back to health

As Nikolas grew stronger and healthier perhaps their romantic feelings resurfaced. Love can be a very good medicine after all. And once Nikolas grew healthier, Brooklyn stayed by his side and he began to plan for his return. Her return to Port Charles, so soon after Nikolas’ suggest that this may exactly what happened. Nikolas still hasn’t revealed himself, but he could use all the support he can get.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Nikolas Cassadine is making difficult decisions

Nikolas is making some difficult choices, and some of them aren’t the most ethical. He may have told Brooklyn to stay away during this stage of his plans, but Brook Lynn could easily use the cover story of coming home to visit her family. Its not likely that she would want to be apart from Nikolas after the two of them had grown so close. And even if he didn’t want her there for her own protection, surely he would be happy to see her!

GH Spoilers – What do you think?

Did Nikolas and Brook Lynn renew their romance off-screen while Nikolas was recuperating? Is Brooklyn’s return part of the plan or could she just not stay away? Only time will tell, but some exciting scenes are coming up so make sure that you stay tuned to General Hospital, airing weekdays on ABC! And don’t forget to check back here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

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Brooklyn AshtonGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH Spoilers
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  • Guest

    Don’t really care that Brooklynn is back. Been so long I barely remember her. And the notion that she and Nicholas have been together all this time is ridiculous. Of course, ridiculous is how they’re writing most of the GH story’s now so it’s not a surprise.

  • lbc

    I’ve heard of the past catching up with you at one time or another, but on GH everyone’s past is becoming the present instead of writing new material about new events. Hadn’t forgotten Booklynn, but her return does not need to add another character to an on going story line. In my opinion, too many characters are becoming involved in others’ story lines making it almost impossible to keep secrets, or to bring dynamic to that specific story line. Hope GH writers are not thinking as the writers of this blog, and just allow Brooklynn to come home for family and friends with a new story line all her own.

  • Guest

    I don’t remember to much if Brooklyn. Please let us get through with Wiley and micheal first. This is crazy enough already !!!!!