General Hospital Rumors: Shiloh Murder Mystery Coming, Which Port Charles Resident Takes Him Out For Good? Full Suspect List Here!

General Hospital - Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan MacLaughlin)

AMP in the post

General Hospital (GH) spoilers that Coby Ryan MacLaughlin has exited General Hospital. And although no one will miss his horrible character, no one can deny he played Shiloh to perfection. But this means that Shiloh is soon to be nothing more than a very bad memory. And while it’s possible that Shiloh will just be sent to prison, so many Port Charles want this dead. Could this be the beginning of the biggest whodunit Port Charles has seen in a very long time?

General Hospital Spoilers – The Usual Suspect

With so many people who hate Shiloh enough to want him dead out here, let’s take a look at some of the most likely suspects. This is by no means a comprehensive list, as just about every single character could potentially be the one to do Shiloh in. But a good murder mystery will also include a satisfying resolution.

First up on our list, Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen).

GH Spoilers – Willow has been more than anyone!

Willow is one of the few women in the Dawn of Day cult who broke free on her own. She escaped and left Dawn of Day behind, but there is no doubt that Shiloh has hurt her. He murdered her father, just to keep Willow dependent on him. He also got her pregnant. She put the baby up for adoption to protect him ever being under Shiloh’s dark influence. She would do anything to protect that baby, who she believes is Wiley Cooper-Jones. To protect that little boy, as well to finally be free, it’s easy to see Willow ending Shiloh’s threat once and for all.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Kristina Corinthos-Davis

Kristina (Lexi Ainsworth) also fell under Dawn of Day’s influence, specifically Shiloh’s. Her family extracted her from the Dawn of Day compound. After several weeks of intensive therapy, Kristina finally the cult leader for who he was. He was about to rape Kristina, who had also been drugged to be submissive; when her family spirited her away. She has been waiting for Shiloh’s court date, wanting Shiloh to face justice. But Shiloh has escaped and if Kristina feels the legal system isn’t going to may Shiloh pay, then maybe she will do it herself.

GH Spoilers – Brad Cooper (Perry Shen)

Brad is on of Wiley’s adoptive parents and he loves the boy. But if Wiley is taken by Shiloh, it won’t matter who his real parents are. Brad has already attempted to take the life of Dr. Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) to protect the baby swap secret. If Shiloh get possession of Wiley, Brad would do anything it takes to get his son back, and that absolutely includes murder.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier)

Nelle is a wild card here. She seems to be in Pentonville with no means to get out of the prison. But Nelle is one of the sneakiest, most manipulative people in Port Charles history. If she finds out Shiloh actually got to Wiley, as his biological mother she will do whatever it takes to make sure her son stays safe. She didn’t orchestrate the baby sway just to have the cult leader take her son!

GH Spoilers – Peter August (Wes Ramsey)

Shiloh has been blackmailing Peter for weeks now. Peter has hired a hitman to take Shiloh out. But somehow, he didn’t succeed and Shiloh ended up free. To make sure Shiloh stays quiet about Peter’s past deeds, it’s likely he would take matters into his own hands and silence Shiloh. There are actually several more people who would want to get of Shiloh, but these five seem the most likely.

General Hospital Spoilers – What do you think?

What do you think? Will someone kill Shiloh. If so, do you think it’s one of the people mentioned above or someone who will finally do the deed. General Hospital spoilers indicate Shiloh’s reign of terror is finally coming to a grisly end. Stay turned to General Hospital weekdays on ABC to find out whodunit!

Coby Ryan McLaughlinGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersShiloh Archer
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  • Guest

    “What do you think?” Well, I think you need to turn off spell check, and find an editor!

  • Guest

    I think it will be Nelle who kills Shiloh.

  • Guest

    It was me. I killed Shiloh. I’m sick to death of him! I did it as a public service.

  • larubia1353


  • larubia1353

    I Think It Might Be Daisy Shiloh Used Her And Threw Her To,The Side After She Spent All Her Saving To Help Him …Everybody Else It To Obvious But It Will Be Someone Nobody Ever Suspected…Maybe Someone From His Past He Admit Today How He Killed His Father Or Maybe It Will Be Helena She’s Not Dead She Kills Him Because He Know To Much About What Happen With Jason & Drew…ALL I KNOW IS I CAN SEE A LONG DRAWN OUT WHODUNNIT who killed SHILOH…