General Hospital Spoiler Rumors: Molly’s Lies Backfire, Pregnant With Brando’s Baby?

General Hospital: Molly Lansing-Davis (Haley Pullos)General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that it’s quite possible that Molly Lansing-Davis (Haley Pullos) could have gotten herself with the child when she chose to get down and jiggy with Brando Corbin (Johnny Wactor). GH fans know that this could pose a big problem for Molly since she’s been very vocal lately about her intention to stay together with her boyfriend of ten years, TJ (Tajh Bellows).

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ABC General Hospital Spoilers – Molly Lansing-Davis Is Just Frustrated

Everyone knows by now that Molly felt incredibly frustrated and hurt by the fact that first, she couldn’t find out where TJ had disappeared to. GH fans know that TJ got up in a huff and left the Metro Court after Molly rejected his marriage proposal.

Molly had ranted on and on about how progressive she was and how she never wanted to get married, yet at the same time, she wanted to stay with TJ for the rest of her life. That didn’t seem to do much for TJ though because fans know he’s a man that treasures tradition, at least to a degree.

However, after he left and went for a walk to clear his head, thugs of the evil Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) kidnapped him. TJ was gone for weeks, and then to top it all off when Molly did everything she could think of to find him, she went and spoke to TJ’s mom.

GH viewers know that was a bad move on Molly’s part because Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) was a total … well … there are bad names for the way some women behave. Let’s just say Jordan was quite nasty to Molly and basically broke up with Molly on TJ’s behalf. (Many fans believe TJ should be furious with his mother for her behavior toward Molly at that time.)

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In any case, sad and lonely, Molly hooked up with the first attractive man who crossed her path. Because that’s what grieving, upset, angry women like Molly do. GH viewers know that the man Molly had an aggressive cuddling session with was Brando.

General Hospital Updates – Molly Lansing-Davis Just Going To The Law Library

GH fans know that since TJ got out of General Hospital after his awful ordeal, sipping smoothies in the basement of his kidnappers, he’s been all about spending time with his soon to be “Domestic Partner.” Molly, for her part, has sucked up to TJ and has done her best to deflect any mention of her activities when TJ was gone. Molly’s older sister, Kristina Corinthos-Davis (Lexi Ainsworth) has even tried to help her out by taking Molly’s pain and worry up to TJ. Of course Molly was the devoted, loving, faithful girlfriend you knew just two weeks ago, TJ! Of course, Molly is!

However, the truth is that Molly’s worried sick that TJ is going to find out the truth. Some GH fans believe Molly had the right idea when she decided that she was going to come clean with TJ. Better for Molly to pull the scab off the wound and let it bleed than to cover it up and allow the infection to fester. However, GH viewers know that for the moment, Molly’s changed her mind and has gone along with the not very convincing argument Kristina put forward.

With that said, if Molly should keep everything quiet and move forward with her plan to become TJ’s domestic partner only to discover that she’s pregnant … she might just kick herself for her not telling TJ the truth from the very beginning.

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General Hospital Spoilers Rumors– TJ Ashford’s A Beta, So All Good

Some men want a woman so badly that they’ll forgive an affair and even raise a child that is the fruit of that affair as their own. Some GH fans believe that TJ could be exactly that sort of beta male. TJ loves Molly. TJ’s been in a relationship with Molly since they were teens. TJ’s relationship with Molly has lasted for ten years! Could TJ really walk away from Molly simply because she had an affair in a moment of weakness?

Some GH fans say that of course, he should. TJ can do better. TJ and Molly might have been great together at one time, but if Molly is already wondering if she wants to be with TJ out of a feeling of duty or because she really loves him … there’s already something wrong with the relationship. Many fans feel there is no way that Molly could ever have slept with Brando if she hadn’t already been pondering what it might be like to be with someone other than TJ.

On the other hand, some GH viewers think that every relationship has its ups and downs. Other couples have gone through a time when one partner or the other (like Molly) had an affair. Some of these people worked through the issue, stayed together, and their love for one another actually deepened.

There’s no question though that even if TJ wants to stay together with Molly after learning of her affair, a child will definitely complicate the issue for Molly and TJ both.

Brando CorbinGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerMolly Lansing-Davis
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  • ole man spirit

    Most definetely, I believe she would be with child.

  • Guest

    Of course. It is how these writers work. Very predictable

  • Tay Rios

    Would happen – typical soapy truth bomb

  • Guest

    I loved Molly and Brando together!

  • Guest

    I totally agree bunny. They had more chemistry in the one night they spent together …..(oh, and writers, IT WAS A ONE NIGHT STAND NOT AN AFFAIR)……than she and T.J have had in the mind numbing, boring 10 years they’ve been together…