General Hospital Spoilers: A Baby Swap Being Set In Motion in Port Charles?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers General Hospital spoilers reveal that the residents of Port Charles, New York could be in for another baby switcheroo.

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It wasn’t so long ago that baby Wiley was involved in a baby switch but right now there are two pregnant women in town at the same time and any soap watcher worth their salt knows what that means!

General Hospital spoilers – Will There Be A Baby Switch 2.0?

The twitterverse is lit up with fans taking sides about this topic. Some think it’s too soon for another swap while others are down for all and any soapy hijinks, 24/7.

Right now Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) are showing sizable baby bumps. As in extra jumbo actually, watermelon sized big.

Theoretically they will give birth at the same approximate time just judging by their size.

Should we brace ourselves for the inevitable?

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GH Spoilers – Is There A Stork Or Two On The Horizon?

Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and Peter August (Wes Ramsey) are the baby daddy’s and not surprisingly they have a history. A complicated history which would play very well into a baby swap.

Peter has been cut out of the picture by Maxie, and Valentin, well, no one is pleased that he is BLQ’s baby daddy.

Anyone at all could be complicit in a switch but the primary suspect, based on his shady history would be Peter.

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General Hospital Spoilers – Will Peter Commit Another Dastardly Deed?

Why would Peter steal his own child? Because he will not be allowed to see his baby if Maxie’s squad has anything to do with it. He is persona non-grata and there is not much he can do about that.

If heaven forbid something were to happen to Brook Lynn and Valentin’s offspring, he might be tempted to put his own baby in that’s baby’s place.

After all he would have a better chance of visiting with Valentin’s kid than he would his own.

Think about it: Valentin has a guilty conscience where Peter is concerned. He blames himself for the way he interfered in his childhood. It wouldn’t take much to guilt trip Valentin into feeling sorry for Peter if Peter turned on the waterworks, especially if his own child were thought to have died.

If Peter is able to place his baby in BLQ and Valentin’s bassinet, he could then get to work on a plan to have a part in the baby’s life.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

Brook Lynn QuartermaineGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerMaxie JOnes
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  • Guest

    Don’t think Brooke Lynn is really pregnant.

  • lbc

    Must viewers have to go through this dumb story line once again, and so soon after the Wiley saga which seems to continue even though Michael at this time has full custody. Viewers need a break where baby switches, etc. are concerned.

  • Guest

    Too stupid!