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General Hospital Spoilers – Last New Episode Had Been On May 21
As GH viewers will recall, the last new episode of General Hospital was broadcast on Thursday, May 21, after several weeks of episodes having been “stretched out” with flashback scenes because of the Covid-19, or coronavirus, shut down in March, in addition to classic reruns on Fridays. Current spoilers have those last weeks’ episodes replaying up through July 31, which is a Friday, to catch viewers up on the storylines which will start to play out again with the new episodes on August 3, the following Monday.
Prior to these episodes, several sets of “collections” of episodes such as two sets of the Nurses’ Ball, the best of Sonny and Carly, the best of Sam and Jason, Sonny and his children, and others had been aired in the meantime. The cast and crew had originally intended to start up production on June 13, but then, again because of Covid-19 spikes and stringent guidelines agreed upon by the entertainment, actors, writers’, crews, and other components of television production’s unions and the Los Angeles health departments, the production start was delayed until July 20; with this announcement, obviously, they have returned to production.
The stringent guidelines are likely the same that other soaps already back to production, including the CBS soaps, have to go by, such as reduced people on set at the same time, the further distance between actors, daily Covid-19 tests of all personnel, and some pretty fancy footwork on the part of the filming and editing crews to make it look like actors are much closer!
GH Spoilers – Will There Be Another Production Shutdown Due To Covid-19? Will GH Look Different?
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It is impossible to say at this point whether production will be shut down again, due to Covid-19, but if one of the actors or crew has a positive test, it is possible. The only actors who have said they had the virus have been Emma Samms, which could put the resolution of finding Holly Sutton-Scorpio alive off for a while, and Chloe Lanier, who plays Nelle Benson had also reported testing positive, but then when she was retested she tested negative.
Emma was hospitalized for a period of time and then released. General Hospital may look a little different than when it left off in May; normally crowded sets such as the Metro Court may, as restaurants in real life are, have their tables farther apart, the Nurses Ball may skip a year, and more scenes may be filmed outside.
There may not be as many people in courtroom scenes, and they may be farther apart, or they may be shot in several different scenes and the final product may be edited to make the actors look like they are closer together; a similar process to when twins played by the same actor are shot as if they are together, and the two shots edited together. However, most General Hospital fans will be happy that their favorite soap is back, even if things do look a little different!
Stay tuned to GH, and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
AMP in the post
I am waiting for GH, coming back the safety of the cast & crew is the most important, hope all are well when the production is started again I know we will be a great one
Glad they are back! Anxiously awaiting….
When are the writers going to kill-off-Nell, tired of her, she is do boring, and hard to look at!
Can hardly wait, hope it won’t take forever, really miss GH.
They keep her on I Absolutely will Not watch! They should’ve ended this Stupid, Annoying and Totally Ridiculous story last year!!
Having NOT watched it for months I’ll continue to do so if they don’t wrap up these DRAGGED OUT STORIES! Nelle needs to be GONE!!!! For GOOD, DONE & DONE! Finish this STUPID ANNOYING parole crap with Sam and put JASAM back together!! Also, they need to put CHILLOW back together as well as Michael & Sasha!
Yeah I stopped when the Custody became a thing b4 Willow and Chase were broken up! I read here once in awhile to see if the pub got their heads together but not. So I’m done! Chloe is a great actress but make her sweet you ruin what she’s accomplished. Give her Wiley and that’s like giving a kid a loaded gun! Her and Carly becoming besties is stupid as we don’t need another Carly/Bobbie story! And the draaaaging on of stories ugh! The Jason and Sam thing is as stupid as breaking up Sonny and Carly! You need an anchor couple it gives hope! You all ruined a good soap! AMC or OLTL should have been kept!
Can’t wait!! I don’t care who is on, Nelle, JaSam, Carson. I miss my GH!!!
I would prefer a murder mystery then to watch the stupid, crazy Nelle