General Hospital Spoilers: Alexis Davis Gets Horrible News From Neil

General Hospital spoilers tease that Alexis Davis’ (Nancy Lee Grahn) day will go from bad to worse in an upcoming episode of GH when she hears bad news from Dr. Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan).

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General Hospital Spoilers – Alexis Davis Had Accompanied Dr. Neil Byrne To The Medical Board Hearing In New York City

General Hospital viewers will recall that Alexis had accompanied Neil to the medical board hearing in New York City a few weeks back, to assist him in retaining his medical license, which was in danger of revocation after the two of them had been seen at drag queen bingo.

It was considered a conflict of interest, and even though technically Alexis had quit seeing him as her therapist before things started getting personal, they were observed and a whistleblower reported him to the medical board. Then, the night they went, they ate in the same restaurant – not planned – and they had gotten reservations at the same hotel – again, not planned – and then they went in his room and consummated their relationship – sort of unplanned but not entirely!

They had been observed making out outside of the door of his hotel room by Dr. Britt Westbourne, (Kelly Thiebaud) who recognized Alexis, but not Neil until she saw him again at General Hospital, recognizing him from seeing him at the hotel in New York City but not having known who he was until the two of them were introduced. Britt, unbeknownst to Alexis or Neil, also was having a little friends-with-benefits fling with Alexis’ ex, Julian Jerome (William DeVry) and after she realized where she had seen Neil before, she told him.

She may not have known that Alexis and Julian had been married previously since she didn’t seem to know Julian from when she was in Port Charles before!

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GH Spoilers – Alexis Davis Fell Off The Wagon After An Intense Argument With Her Daughter

Then Alexis, a recovering alcoholic, fell off the wagon after an intense argument with her daughter Samantha McCall (Kelly Monaco) in a bar in Queen’s Point, NY after she called Alexis to help with Damian Spinelli’s (Bradford Anderson) arrest after they ran a sting on Sam’s parole officer, Delores Malone (Andi Chapman) in an effort to “leverage” her into lessening the restrictions so she could be with Jason Morgan (Steve Burton).

Spinelli had followed Officer Delores to her car with the councilman – which he looked for information on and found out he was married – and observed them having sex in the back of the car, but he was not able to get a cell phone photo of them so Alexis was able to get the officer to drop the charges of unlawful surveillance (similar to what a peeping tom does). Alexis told Sam off and told her she needed to concentrate on keeping the terms of her parole instead of running after Jason, and Sam said some very ugly things to her mother.

Alexis was in tears and Sam and Spinelli left, and the bartender felt sorry for her and gave her a free alcoholic drink, and she drank it! She then tried to call her AA sponsor, Dr. Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton), her boyfriend, Dr. Neil Byrne, and they were not able to answer – she finally called her ex, Julian. He came and picked her up and took her home and presumably arranged for her car to be returned to Port Charles as well. After that, he put two and two together and came up with five, and headed for Neil’s new office at General Hospital to put his lights out for hurting Alexis and driving her back to the bottle!

Lots of people at GH saw this, and even though Neil’s friends at the hospital wouldn’t report this to the medical board, it doesn’t mean some disgruntled GH employee or do-gooder nurse or doctor might not!

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General Hospital Spoilers – Dr. Neil Byrne Is In Trouble With The Medical Board Again – Because Of The Ruckus At GH

Neil contacts Alexis, and tells her he needs to talk – and wants to talk in person. He needs the in-person moral support so they arrange to meet – hopefully, privately! Wherever it turns out that they meet, however, Alexis’ day had started out bad and only gets worse when he tells her that again, he has been advised he is in trouble with the medical board and his license is in danger again – just after being hired at General Hospital and getting his own office!

Someone heard – and apparently saw – the whole thing that happened when Julian rushed into his office and slugged him, and knows the whole story about what happened between them in New York City too – because that altercation did get LOUD! Alexis knows she shouldn’t blame herself but she does, and feels responsible for the whole trouble that Neil is in again!

After all, if she hadn’t taken that drink, and she hadn’t called Julian, and he hadn’t come to slug Neil, he wouldn’t be in this trouble – although honestly, she could blame Britt, because she told Julian what she saw, and then Julian made some very loud accusations as he was fighting with Neil!

Stay tuned to GH, and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

Alexis DavisGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersNeil Byrne
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