AMP in the post
Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) stands in the middle of everyone at the main desk as Scotty (Kin Shriner) walks up and says “who didn’t Gail invite?’ Alexis says good morning and hands out envelopes to all the guests. There is a blueprint with the original hospital layout and everyone needs to go to their assigned locations. Monica (Leslie Charleson) says the hospital has changed a lot in 56 years.
Laura (Genie Francis) says she can’t believe Gail Baldwin (Susan Brown) did all of this for them. Alexis says they were all invited with a special purpose.
General Hospital Spoilers – Scotty reminisces and thinks of his mom Gail
Scotty says he misses Gail, but is going to do whatever she has requested. Franco (Roger Howarth) apologizes to Scotty for not letting him on to the plan to catch Ryan. Franco also say he feels bad he never gave condolences for Gail’s death. Scotty realizes he took advantage of his parents and did not appreciate spending time with them. Scotty says Lee was the tough one and Gail was always more accepting. He tells Franco how much he loves him as he walks over and gives him a big hug.
Bobbie finds Scotty and asks how he is holding up. They joke about the fact that they are both still around after all these years.
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General Hospital Spoilers: Monica, Leslie, and Lucy reminisce about their rivalry
Monica says to Leslie “isn’t it lovely they can catch up without fighting?” Back in the day they had epic fights over men and other things. Leslie finds her envelope in her locker as Monica finds hers in the shower. Leslie says no man would be safe from Monica in the co-ed shower situation if it had been that way back in the day. Monica calls her an “earth mother’ while Leslie calls her a “slut.”
Monica finds Lucy looking over the Nurses Ball dresses from balls past. Lucy finds something that belonged to Alan and they reminisce lovingly about their past fights over him.
Lucy finds Kevin and he reiterates how much he loves Laura. They recall their past and he says what they had was no mistake.
General Hospital Spoilers: Laura reminisces with Scotty, Sonny and Elizabeth
AMP in the post
Scotty says Laura’s smile reminds him of when she was 17. They remember their marriage and all the ups and downs over the years. Scott says he wants to know how he will continue on without his parents Lee and Gail.
Sonny (Maurice Bernard) finds Laura in the chapel and sits down with her. She asks if he remembers the first time that they met, she always thought he was a good guy in bad guys clothes. Sonny thanks her for her friendship and shining a light on mental illness. Sonny says thank God for General Hospital.
General Hospital Spoilers: Bobbie and Felicia recall BJ’s Tragic Death
Bobbie (Jackie Zeman) and Felicia (Kristina Wagner) are paired together in the hunt for their envelopes. Felicia says she misses Tony (Brad Maule) and is so grateful for the gift they gave Maxie (Kirsten Storms).
Mac (John York) and Maxie are trying to find where their envelopes have been placed. Maxie says thank you to Mac for being there for her and letting her get her heart surgery scar removed.
Bobbie finds Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) and offers to help her find her envelope. Liz brings up her Gram Audrey who was a special nurse at the hospital. Liz says that Bobbie was so comforting to her when she was found in the park after being raped.
General Hospital Spoilers: Carly tells Bobbie she’s pregnant
Carly finds Bobbie and blurts out that she’s pregnant, they hug. Carly mentions she may need to terminate the baby if something goes wrong, but she’s hesitant to do so. Bobbie says she’s so happy about the baby, as Sonny approaches, she offers congratulations.
Curtis and Aunt Stella discuss Jordan
Curtis (Donnell Turner) and Stella (Vernee Watson) discuss that General Hospital is so much better than Mercy hospital and they can be grateful for that.
General Hospital Spoilers: Nelle Justified in Her Anger? – Monica Said Everything Was Fine but Now Wiley Needs ANOTHER Surgery!
— SOS/CTS/HH (@SoapOperaSpy) April 2, 2020
General Hospital Spoilers: Alexis and Julian are forced to work with each other
Julian (William DeVry) questions why he is a part of the scavenger hunt for envelopes. Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) says she mentioned Julian to her friend Gail many times and that’s probably why he is there.
Flashbacks for the 56th Anniversary!
Leslie and Monica figure out that Gail did this exercise to bring them altogether. They agree that with all the fighting they ended up with the men they meant to be with.
Lucy gives “Doc his envelope with Laura nearby and says “This is where you were meant to be.” Leslie and Laura reminisce about when she was a candy striper and she was a Dr.
Everyone meets with Alexis and she explains Gail’s intentions – to bring them together and to always love the hospital. We get some amazing flashbacks from over the years…. flash to preview