General Hospital Spoilers and Recap Friday, April 17: Ava Jerome Takes Center Stage

Ava Jerome, Maura WestWelcome to your Friday April 17th General Hospital recap – we begin our day with Ava Jerome (Maura West) having a drink while telling us that it’s a flashback Friday episode and for everyone to stay safe. We flash to Ava looking at her scar from the warehouse fire in the mirror.

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Ava’s brother Julian Jerome (William DeVry) walks in and wishes her luck on her facial treatment. Julian says she is still a knockout, whether she has surgery or not.

Ava says she has another stop before the surgery. She stops by the Corinthos mansion to see her daughter Avery, but is stopped by Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Bernard). He says Avery is with her “mother” Carly, which upsets Ava further. Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) comes home and they both scream at her about killing Morgan.

General Hospital Spoilers and Recap – Kiki and Griffin worry about Ava’s surgery

At General Hospital (GH), Kiki Jerome (Hayley Erin) tells Griffin Munro (Matt Cohen) that she should stick around for her mom’s surgery. Kiki thanks Griffin for her being by Ava’s side. Ava walks in and they say she need to prep for surgery.

General Hospital Spoilers and Recap – Ava’s face surgery begins

In a GH hospital room, Ava lies on a slab as they prepare to go under the knife. The doctor says don’t worry about a thing, you will be a new woman when the surgery ends. Ava wakes up from the surgery as Griffin says it was a complete success.

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General Hospital Spoilers and Recap – Ava arrives home after the surgery

In her penthouse, Ava has arrived home and half her face is in bandages. Griffin walks out of the bedroom and says its time to look at the surgery results. Her face looks flawless as she smiles in the mirror.

General Hospital Spoilers and Recap – Griffin and Ava go to the Metro Court to celebrate

Ava says shes tired of hiding as they arrive at the Metro Court where Sonny and Carly are having dinner. Ava goes to the bar for a drink and Laura Collins (Genie Francis) is surprised at how good she looks.

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She goes to the bathroom where Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) confronts her again for being evil and getting Morgan killed.

General Hospital Spoilers and Recap – Ava runs into familiar faces

At Kelly’s Diner, Ava asks her friend Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth) to do a portrait of her new face. Ava sees a familiar face and chases after her, running smack into Nina Reeves (Michelle Stafford). Ava suspects that Nina is texting her messages and they argue about the baby kidnapping.

General Hospital Spoilers and Recap – Morgan shows up at Ava’s door

Back home theres a knock on the door and its “dead “Morgan Corinthos (Bryan Craig). They embrace as Morgan says he lost his leg in the car explosion. She wonders where he has been the past year as she realizes she did not actually lose him.

Ava tells Morgan that she has been getting strange text messages.

General Hospital Spoilers and Recap – Ava throws a party at the Jerome gallery

Ava decides a party at the gallery will be a good way to share with all that Morgan is alive. She spots the woman she keeps seeing and runs smack into Sonny and Carly. She calls out for Morgan and instead a very dead Connie shows up.

Connie yells at her in front of everyone as the whole room turns on Ava. The lights turn off and the young woman appears, she says her name is Avery.

Flashback Friday!

Ava holds Avery as she wonders if she is dead. Avey yells at Ava that Morgan is dead because of her.
Ava screams out as she looks to see her face is still burned.

Waking from her “nightmare” – Ava and Griffin arrive at the Metro Court where the bartender looks like Avery from the dream……. flash to preview

Ava JeromeGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersValentin Cassadine
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  • Charles David Haskell

    Hell Yes! I am an fan of Ava. I can’t wait to see what will happen with Ava next week.

  • Guest

    I am a longtime fan of Ava, like her acting very much, one of best to watch!