AMP in the post
At the Metro Court bar, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) is having a drink when Laura Collins (Genie Francis) sits down next to him. He says he was expecting her daughter and shes says “sorry, you have to deal with me.”
At Kelly’s diner, Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) walks in and thanks Dustin Phillips (Mark Lawson) for agreeing to write songs with her. Lulu Falconeri (Emme Rylan) walks up and says working with Dustin won’t be like old times.
General Hospital Spoilers – Anna plans for Violet’s birthday party
At her mansion, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) thanks Peter August (Wes Ramsey) and Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) for coming to help Violets birthday party.
Maxie mentions Liesl and Anna says shes being sent out of country. Maxie is clearly upset and wonder what to tell baby James about his grandma. Maxie reminisces to when Liesl said she was a good person again as Anna recommends she go see her in jail.
Anna and Peter make the goodie bags as she tells him how proud she is of the changes in his life.
AMP in the post
General Hospital Spoilers – Liesl Obrecht is desperate to get out of jail
At the PCPD, Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) is screaming out for someone to help her – she needs justice. Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) arrives and says she is being transported to the Hague where she will stand trial. Liesl is livid that shes being sent away and lists all the crimes that she did not do.
Maxie shows up at the jail and says she has not come to forgive, but to say goodbye. As Liesl begs for Maxie to believe her – she says she must plead guilty to be forgiven.
General Hospital Spoilers – Jax and Nina argue about Nelle
AMP in the post
Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) tells Jasper Jax (Ingo Rademacher) that she thinks Nelle may have quit. Jax says she should just let her go and not try to help incriminate her. Jax reminds Nina that she is a sociopath who does not care about her child.
Nina defends Nelle’s actions and says she may not be inherently a bad person.
General Hospital Spoilers – Laura and Valentin face off over Charlotte
Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) jokes that he will need a stronger drink than coffee to deal with her. Laura Collins (Genie Francis) says Lulu does not know that she is there to confront him. Laura tells Valentin that Nina and Ava are going to testify against him in the custody suit.
General Hospital Spoilers: Peter Continues To Manipulate Maxie, Ready to Do What It Takes To Keep Her In The Dark
— SOS/CTS/HH (@SoapOperaSpy) April 13, 2020
General Hospital Spoilers – Brook Lynn and Lulu argue over Dusty
Brook Lynn (Amanda Sutton) asks about Rocco and how he is doing, he must miss his dad and grandma. Lulu says he is fine as Brook Lynn says she can see now why Dante left her high and dry. Dusty grabs Lulu as she threatens to take the argument “outside.”
Dustin breaks them up as Lulu tries to physically attack Brook Lynn.
Monday Drama!
Liesl cries out as Maxie leaves the jail, unable to believe her or forgive her.
Dustin tells Brook Lynn to not be afraid to show her true self.
Robert tells Liesl he will keep an eye on Peter and baby James. Liesl swears she will get her family back …. flash to preview
I think Lulu and Valentin both need to look at their behavior.