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ABC General Hospital spoilers and recap for Wednesday, December 16, 2020, reveals Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) find Julian. Brick uses facial recognition software to find Julian. Brick tells Sonny that Julian is in New Jersey waiting on a bus to Canada. Sonny and Jason head to the bus station.
GH Spoilers – Carly Corinthos Confirms Cyrus Renault’ Suspicions
General Hospital’s Carly is furious that Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) has approached the children and warns him away from them. Jocelyn tells Carly that this was what Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) was worried about. Jocelyn doesn’t know how a parent could let their child grieve for them. Carly explains that a parent will do anything to protect their child. Jocelyn asks Carly if that means she thinks this is true. Carly says she is just saying that a parent will protect their child with their life. Cyrus calls someone and tells them to grab Trina to draw out Taggert.
General Hospital Spoilers – Portia Robinson Learns of Cyrus Renault’ Accusations
General Hospital’s Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) is at General Hospital trying to call Trina. Ava Cassadine (Maura West) arrives and speaks to Portia who blames her for Trina skipping school. Ava tells Portia that she’s not seen Trina. Portia cannot imagine where her daughter has been for two days. Ava believes that Trina may just need some time to deal with things. Ava offers to calls Trina and she answers. Ava tells Trina her mother is worried and she needs to get to GH right away. Trina arrives and tells Portia about Cyrus’s claims. Meanwhile, Ava visits Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) and is told that he may be in a permanent vegetative state. Ava tells Ryan what she thinks of him and his condition before leaving. Ryan smirks as she walks out the door holding Nikolas Cassadine’s (Marcus Coloma) hand.
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GH Spoilers – Marcus Taggert’s Cover Is Blown
General Hospital’s Jordan Ashford (Brianna Nicole Henry) meets with Marcus Taggert (Real Andrews). Jordan explains to Taggert that he is putting everyone, including his daughter in danger by not staying in hiding. Taggert wants to see Trina one more time. Jordan talks to Trina before she is called away. Jordan explains to Trina that her father did manufacture evidence against Cyrus because it was the only way to put him away. Trina finally gets that Taggert did this for the greater good. Trina thanks Jordan for helping her understand and then is called away. Jordan and Taggert talk before a shooter comes after him. Jordan shoots the man to protect Taggert. Mac Scorpio (John J. York) joins Jordan who tells him she was protecting Taggert.
General Hospital Spoilers – Laura Collins Finds Florence Gray
General Hospital’s Laura Collins (Genie Frances) is about to be given a sedative when Curtis interrupts. Curtis wants to take Jordan out of the facility but she refuses. Laura sneaks into Florence Gray’s (Anne Collings) room and starts to touch her hand but someone turns the doorknob.
GH Spoilers – Julian Jerome’s Conscious Gets The Best Of Him
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General Hospital’s Julian has been shot and is at the bus station. Julian starts to blackout from blood loss. Duke Lavery (Ian Buchanan) comes and sits beside him. Julian tells Duke that he didn’t kill him. Julian wonders why Duke would be haunting him.
Duke tells Julian how he is a coward and runs away. Connie Falconeri (Megan Ward) arrives and blames Julian for her death as well. Julian denies any fault in Connie’s death and blames Ava Cassadine (Maura West). Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) visits too and Julian blames Olivia Jerome (Tanja Walker). Julian passes out and drops his bus ticket.
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital’s spoilers, news, and updates.