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General Hospital Spoilers – Cyrus Renault Brought Britt Westbourne Back To General Hospital Because Of Her Past Incompetence And Selfishness.
When Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) fired Monica Quartermaine (Leslie Charleson) as Chief of Staff at General Hospital, he thought she would be obedient and look the other way as he brought his dangerous and addictive drugs into Port Charles. But Britt almost immediately became concerned with a spike in drug usage and overdoses in Port Charles since she had last lived here. Visibly upset, she learned from Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) that Cyrus was the cause. So she began her own investigation into Cyrus and became a useful ally to Jason. But what has made Britt change so drastically?
GH Spoilers – What Is Wrong With, Dr. Britt Westbourne?
As viewers have witnessed over the last few months, Britt has been plagued by tremors in her hands. Worried that she has inherited Huntington’s Disease from her father, Ceasar Faison (Anders Hove), has noticeably softened toward other people in general and those people she considered an enemy in the past. Britt and Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) have gotten extremely close, and Britt still cares deeply for Brad, who is currently an inmate in Pentonville.
Believing that she might be dying seems to be the reason for Britt’s change in behavior. But she still hasn’t gotten tested so all this concern might all be for nothing. And now that Jason and Britt are on the run, Jason is insisting that Britt get herself checked out, and even more surprising is the fact that he is going to risk capture to go with her at the doctor’s appointment. So it won’t be long before Britt knows once and for all if she has Huntington’s as is dying!
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General Hospital Spoilers – Dr. Britt Westbourne Will Be Greatly Relieved If The Tremors Have Nothing To Do With Huntington’s Disease!
No matter what the doctor discovers, Britt has come out of her ordeal very much changed. If she does have the same disease as her father, she is at least prepared and it seems very likely that Jason will be by her side every step of the way. But if Britt’s symptoms have nothing to with Huntington’s and she finds out she’s not dying, look for Jason and Britt to celebrate by making love! This was not a relationship that anyone could see coming, but it’s becoming more and more obvious every day that Jason feels more for Britt than just friendship. And her feeling for Jason has been pretty obvious from the beginning. They are still in great danger though, from both Cyrus and Peter August (Wes Ramsey) so any romance will take a back seat to stay alive, at least for now!
GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?
Does Dr. Britt Westbourne actually have Huntington’s Disease? Are her tremors a sign that the Chief of Staff Is dying, or is there another explanation that has nothing to do with a fatal disease? Even as they remain on the run, will confirmation one way or another of Britt’s medical status lead to sexy encounters? And could a relationship between Jason and Britt be maintained even after they are safe again? In Port Charles, deadly symptoms could be something far different than expected so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information, and spoilers!
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Peter or Cyrus are probably poisoning her.?