General Hospital Spoilers And Rumors: Do Neil And Trina’s Mom Share A Shocking Past?

General Hospital spoilers divulge that Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan) is now an employee at GH while another doctor, Dr. Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr), is waiting in the wings. What are the chances that these two mysterious characters share a shocking past?

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There’s every chance in the world, given the way soaps operate in a kooky, seemingly parallel universe where the most improbable things happen on a daily basis!

General Hospital Spoilers – Dr. Neil Byrne is a newly minted employee at GH

Speaking of improbable, what could go wrong now that Neil is working at GH? Everything! First off he lied to the licensing board about being involved with a patient, Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn). This means he’s breaking the law, but then again who hasn’t while in a position of authority in Port Charles?

Nevertheless, now that Neil is hard at work, there has to be something to complicate his newly scrubbed (pun intended!) life. While someone could be Alexis herself, it could just as likely be a skeleton from the past.

We seem to know next to nothing about Neil, so anything we find out now will sound plausible.

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GH Spoilers – Dr. Portia Robinson needs a job if she remains in Port Charles

And that includes sharing a scandal with Trina Robinson’s (Sydney Mikayla) mom. Portia is in town to take care of her daughter following Marcus Taggert’s (Real Andrews) death. However, within what seemed like just minutes of her arrival, mysteries from her past were floating up like ghosts from a graveyard.

The first ghost to be exposed was Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner). Fans are speculating like crazy that Curtis will turn out to be Trina’s dad, not Taggert.

But what if Neil is Trina’s dad? Ok, that scenario may be a little far-fetched, but one new doctor at GH, with possibly another one incoming may not be a coincidence.

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General Hospital Spoilers – What secrets could Dr. Neil Byrne and Dr. Portia Robinson share?

It would be a delicious and ironic turnabout if Alexis found that she had competition for Neil’s attention, let alone his affection! Even if Neil and Portia don’t have mutual secrets, if they are both on staff they might be called upon to work together. Or maybe he becomes Trina’s therapist?

Then again, we know for certain that Neil has a thing for online dating sites. Maybe Portia was one of his hook-ups? That would be awkward.

If that’s the case there doesn’t have to be a current attraction to give Alexis an excuse to cause all kinds of drama. Stay tuned to see what happens next!

Curtis AshfordGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH SpoilersJordan Ashford
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  • Guest

    Who the hell cares. Put down the crayons and give us good story lines. These suck