General Hospital Spoilers and Rumors: Is Anna Devane Her Twin Sister, Alex?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that it may be possible that Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) isn’t who she thinks she is! GH fans know that Anna Devane used to be a serious agent of the World Security Bureau (WSB). Yet in recent months, Anna’s behaved in a fashion decidedly unbecoming of a law enforcement agent!

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General Hospital Spoilers – Anna Devane Is Blind to Peter August’s Crimes

For months and months, GH fans have watched as Anna has seen the evidence, has heard the evidence, that completely implicates Peter in some rather nasty crimes. However, everyone has watched Anna ignore the evidence time after time. Viewers know that her one-time partner, Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) has confronted Anna more than once, and each time she’s found a reason to shoot down his concerns vis-à-vis Peter. In fact, most recently Anna went on a rant against Scorpio, asking him why he couldn’t just let the entire matter with Peter rest.

GH fans know that Anna seems strangely all too happy to allow Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) to take the fall for Peter. Sure, Peter is supposed to be Anna’s son and all. Yet, hasn’t Anna sworn an oath to uphold the law?

GH Spoilers – Anna DeVane Isn’t Anna Devane

Now, some GH fans believe they understand exactly why Anna is behaving so badly. Maybe Anna Devane is actually her twin sister, Alex Marick (Finola Hughes)! Some GH viewers believe there may yet be wild revelations at hand that involve the old memory-mapping plot. Of course, this begs the question as to where the real Anna Devane may be. If the woman everyone thinks is Anna is actually Alex, this would certainly explain a lot about her strange behavior.

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Alex might have had many of Anna’s memories mapped on top of her own. That’s why Alex would be able to operate as a spy and would know all the same procedures and expectations etc. that the real Anna would. However, some wonder if it’s possible that when Alex discovered Peter was alive, her motherly instincts kicked in. Alex might do anything to keep Henrik (er … Peter) safe from the law!

General Hospital Spoilers – Alex DeVane Has a Break Down

GH viewers might imagine the emotional and mental turmoil (or perhaps they can’t) that might occur if “Anna” discovers to her horror that she is really “Alex.” Her entire identity for years has been that of her sister. “Anna’s” own sense of self might be rocked. If that’s the case, might GH fans see a mental breakdown?

Moreover, should Peter discover this horrifying development, how might he react? Suddenly, the woman Peter has been growing close to will be revealed to be someone else … someone Peter isn’t sure he wants to know.

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The bottom line, for now, is that if it’s true that “Anna” is actually Alex, everyone from Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) to Violet Finn (Jophielle Love) to Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) to Robert Scorpio … everyone … is sure to be shaken to the core!

Anna Devane Peter AugustGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital SpoilersGHGH Spoilers
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  • Guest

    Anna has been acting strange since Peter arrived.

  • Guest

    Anna is Anna. She is a mother in denial.

  • Guest

    I have not liked Anna for a while. They have written her so dumb and Anna is not dumb. But I did not even think about her being Alex. For sure don’t like her with Finn!

  • RavenJackal

    Anna is not Alex. She has come to love Peter as his mother and believes in him. I hope that Anna is really his mother and not Alex. Alex has not been there for Peter this whole time. Anna is trying to help him. If Anna was trying to help anyone else other than Peter then nobody would be thinking that she was Alex or somehow not in her right mind. I believe that Liesl has given Anna more than enough reasons to believe by hurting so many people that Anna loves that she could have committed the crimes that she has been accused of now. I hope that this situation with Peter is going to get better and that Anna was right to help him. I am hoping that somehow Drew, Liesl, and Holly will be alright. I want Jason and Sam together. I want Peter to be the son that Anna can be proud of in the end and for him to get on the road to redemption for her and Maxie.