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Ned Continues To Ignore Olivia
General Hospital’s Olivia has tried time and again to tell Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth) that she needs his support to get through the separation from her son. However, Ned continues to put ELQ above her needs. Olivia had just asked Ned to put her first yet again when Laura Collins (Genie Frances) arrived needing ELQ to support the hospital. Ned has just told Laura that it would take several days to allocate funding for the hospital placing Olivia on the back burner yet again. Is this the last straw for Olivia?
Robert Is Grieving For Holly
General Hospital’s Robert is finding it hard to accept that Holly could be dead. Robert has known Holly for decades and she has disappeared many times. However, Holly has been declared dead this time without a body. There is no closure for Robert because he can only rely on the speculation of the authorities investigating Holly’s case. Robert doesn’t want to attend Holly’s memorial because he knows Holly’s body was not found. Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) has called Robert out on his guilt but he needs someone to share his grief.
Robert Makes Olivia Feel Better
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General Hospital’s Olivia has already admitted that taking to Robert makes her feel better. Robert is glad he can help Olivia and may need a friend himself. However, being a friend may go further than either of them expected. Olivia has wanted time with her husband for weeks and she hasn’t gotten it. Could Robert give Olivia the personal attention that she is seeking from her husband? Will Robert and Olivia cross that line from friends into lovers?
Robert And Olivia’s Connection Is Strong
General Hospital’s Robert and Olivia have a very strong connection and equally strong chemistry. Olivia is also a very sensual woman and needs to be shown that her man loves her. Robert has been single for ages and that mixture could easily lead to an affair.
Robert can be a very attentive man and that is exactly what Olivia is crazing at this time. Robert also is not running a corporation and has time to spend with Olivia that Ned doesn’t. Will they offer comfort to each other that both of them crave?
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Olivia has warned Ned time and again that he is not giving her what she needs. Will Olivia leave Ned because of his neglect and move on with Robert?
I hate to see Nes and Olivia blow up but I would not mind seeing Robert and Olivia hookup! They are both lonely and sad.
I can see this coming
OMG! No! In my opinion, Ned and Olivia are a bit boring together. Olivia is a powerhouse. I would like to see her paired with the lawyer Martin Grey. Place Robert with Liesl. Their personalities match better. Finally give Liesl some happiness.