General Hospital Spoilers and Rumors: Nelle’s Ultimate Revenge – Let Go of Carly’s Hand – Returns & Accuses Her of Attempted Murder

ABC General Hospital spoilers and updates reveal Nelle Jerome (Chloe Lanier) was hanging off a cliff when Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) tried to help pull her back up. Nelle screamed for Carly’s help and she tried her best to save her. However, Nelle fell, did she slip or did Nelle let go knowing she would not be hurt just to torment Carly more?

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General Hospital Spoilers – Nelle Blames Carly Corinthos For Everything

General Hospital’s Nelle blames Carly for everything that has gone wrong in her life. Nelle’s father Frank Benson (James Patrick Stuart) was only shown in the flashback episode. However, Nelle was Carly’s adoptive father. Frank had walked out on Carly’s adoptive mother leaving her to raise Carly alone. Nelle knew Carly has her sister although Carly was not in the home. Nelle believes Carly should have been around more and seen that she had what she needed in life. Nelle is furious that Carly got out of that life and is successful where she is not.

GH Spoilers – Nelle Jerome Thinks Carly Corinthos Kept Her From Michael Corinthos

General Hospital’s Nelle blames Carly for her break up with Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell). Nelle blew up her relationship with Michael on her own. Nelle also blew up any chance at a relationship with Carly. Nelle does not know how to accept kindness from anyone. Nelle alienated Carly but pretending to sleep with her husband. Nelle alienated Michael by her lies and deceit while they were in a relationship. Nelle turned up pregnant and uses the baby every chance she gets. Michael had to marry Nelle and she still tried to kill him. Nelle is her own worst enemy and doesn’t have the good sense to know it.

General Hospital Spoilers – Nelle Jerome Has Wreaked Havoc On Carly Corinthos’ Life

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General Hospital’s Nelle has tortured Carly with the memory of her dead son, Morgan Corinthos (Bryan Craig). Nelle tortured Carly beyond belief before claiming that Carly tried to kill her. Carly ended up in Ferncliff because of Nelle and was almost subjected to electroshock therapy because of it.

Carly’s life could have been ruined because of Nelle. Carly could be dead because of her. It would be a typical Nelle move to let go of Carly’s hand and fall just to make Carly feel guilty for her death. If Nelle survives, there is no doubt that she will claim that Carly tried to kill her once again.

Nelle would certainly risk her life if she thought it would hurt Carly. If Nelle dies, Carly would blame herself for Wiley Corinthos’ (Theo and Eric Olson) mother’s death. Letting go of Carly’s hand would be the ultimate revenge for Nelle. It would also allow Nelle to come back and try to steal her son again in the future.

Once Nelle is found her reaction will tell if she planned this or not. However, letting go is not something that can be put past Nelle.

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CArly CorinthosGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital episodeGeneral Hospital NewsGeneral Hospital RumorsGeneral Hospital Spoilersgeneral hospital updatesGH EpisodeGH EpisodesGH NewsGH Rumorsgh spoilerNelle Benson
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  • Guest

    Ugh. I wish they would end the Nelle story! Great actress, but this story line is horrible?!!

  • Guest

    It would be just like her to pull a stunt like that. She's that vindictive. She needs to go to jail, for what she did to Brooke Lynn, and having Julian kidnap Whileyfor her.

  • Guest

    What does it matter what the viewers think or want the writers will continue to write these ridiculous @horrible storylines. JUST KILL NELLE FOR GOOD

  • Guest

    Tired of the Nelle story, get rid of her.

  • Guest

    How many long drawn out years has this Nelle B.S. been going on already! For God sake, for our sanity, please just let her die!